Political Science (POL)

POL 096B  Topic: Comparative Politics in Western Europe  (3 credits)  
POL 101  Politics: Comparative Introduction  (3 credits)  
An introduction to politics using comparative analysis of countries. Executive, judicial, legislative, socialization, public opinion, media, decision making and power will be among the functions in a political system that are considered.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Spring, and Summer. PLV: Fall - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 101C  Politics: Comparative Introduction (CAP)  (3 credits)  
How humans develop attitudes towards power. The roles of family, peers, church, mass media, interest groups, parties, psychic tension, and cultural myths in shaping political beliefs and action. United States patterns are compared with political conditioning and behavior in other countries, including democracies and other regimes.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 102  Public Myth and Ideologies  (3 credits)  
Major systems of symbol and rationale which give cultures their distinctive political imagery. Nationalism, capitalism, socialism, communism, agrarianism, modernization, conservatism, liberalism, and anarchism. How these idea systems affect the general population, groups, elites, and leaders.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall and Spring. PLV: Fall - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 102C  Public Myth and Ideologies: We Protest: Dissent & Democracy  (3 credits)  
Major systems of symbol and rationale which give cultures their distinctive political imagery. Nationalism, capitalism, socialism, communism, agrarianism, modernization, conservatism, liberalism, and anarchism. How these idea systems affect the general population, groups, elites, and leaders.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall and Spring. PLV: Fall - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 111  American Government and Political Institutions  (3 credits)  
A basic course in American government which explores the theoretical and philosophical background of the Constitution and the creation and development of the three branches of national government: executive, judicial, and legislative. The course also explores the nature of linkage institutions in the American political system, including political parties, interest groups, the media and campaigns and elections.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Spring - Odd years, and Summer. PLV: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 111C  American Government and Political Institutions - CAP  (3 credits)  
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 111IP  American Government and Political Institutions  (4 credits)  
A basic course in American government which explores the theoretical and philosophical background of the Constitution and the creation and development of the three branches of national government: executive, judicial, and legislative. The course also explores the nature of linkage institutions in the American political system, including political parties, interest groups, the media and campaigns and elections.
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 114  Introduction to International Relations  (3 credits)  
In this course, we will explore power relationships between the major political entities in the world, including both nation-states and non-state actors. We will explore how major schools of thought interpret how the world works. Topics we will discuss among others include the processes of globalization, global and regional security, terrorism, global environmental crises, transnational social movements, war, peacemaking/keeping, trade, diplomacy, colonialism, and human rights. Particular attention will be paid to the United Nations, the effect of systems/institutions on real people, and the phenomena of civil society producing changes in a global context. Anyone who expects to be working in a global context should consider taking this course.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Spring, and Summer. PLV: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 118  State and Local Government  (3 credits)  
A study of state and local government within the context of the Constitutional structure in the United States. Courses in New York City focus on the functions of the mayor's office of New York and the City Council; courses on the Pleasantville campus emphasize the nature of state and local government within the context of the metropolitan area.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 120  Crimes Against Humanity: Political Perspectives  (3 credits)  
This course examines debates concerning justice, law, and politics surrounding the idea of “Crimes against Humanity.” Crimes against Humanity emerged as a concept in international law in the aftermath of World War II and the Holocaust. We often hear condemnations against "Crimes against Humanity” without having a clear idea of what that means. The course first examines the violence and genocide that ultimately led to the post-WWII Nuremberg trials and formal prosecutions for “Crimes against Humanity.” The course then turns to how the definition expanded to include the crime of Apartheid, “disappearances” in Latin America, gender-based crimes in the former Yugoslavia, hate speech in Rwanda, and contemporary cases in the Middle East, among others. We examine and debate what it means for a crime to be “against humanity” and whether the concept is, or can be made to be, coherent. We debate the pros and cons of expanding the definition and whether the term properly applies in controversial cases. The course will consider issues like: What type of evil is involved in genocide? Which types of courts should try crimes against humanity and under what conditions? Does talk of "the rule of law" mask the role of power politics? Is reconciliation preferable to punishment? When is military intervention justified? How should nations remember and repair past crimes against humanity?
Course Rotation: PLV; Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 196A  Travel Course to Africa  (3 credits)  
POL 196C  Topic: Metropolis: Issues in Politics and Governments in the New York Metro Area  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to provide the student with basic knowledge of how governments in the New York metropolitan area decide "who gets what, when and how" (Lasswell 1958). We will examine the general principles of federalism as the process impacts on local and on state governments, as necessary. We will study the sources of power in governments and how such powers influence which policies governments pursue. This course will focus on the roles of economic power, officials, business, and interests groups. We will examine these factors as they relate to specific New York metropolitan-area governments and public policy issues (poverty, taxes, the environment, sprawl, etc.) through in class, student and faculty-driven, discussions and debates.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 196D  Topic: History and Politics of the Modern Middle East  (3 credits)  
This course provides a basic understanding of the history and politics of the Middle Eastern countries and its peoples since the 20th century. It will cover the political, social and economic themes that animate debate in the field of Middle East Studies today.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 196F  Special Topic: Twelve Big Ideas in Politics  (3 credits)  
This introductory course is focused on 12 fundamental ideas that enable students to be effective participants in political debate in modern democracies. Students discuss and debate a case study for each big idea. These fundamental ideas include power, liberty, democracy, gender, equality, race, crime and punishment, multiculturalism, toleration, political obligation, the environment, and human rights. Issues to debate could involve pornography, torture, climate change, counter-terrorism, reparations, the draft, the Muslim veil, disability rights, economic inequality, and racialized inequality in the United States.
Course Rotation: Fall (Even Years); PLV
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 196G  Topic: Immigration, Politics, and Justice  (3 credits)  
This course addresses contemporary political debates over immigration and justice. Should the United States “Build the Wall,” restricting people’s movement at and around the U.S.- Mexico border and at points of entry such as airports? Other questions specific to U.S policy and politics might include: Is restricting immigration “un-America”? Does the history of America exclusion and discrimination in immigration policy and law provide precedents for restrictions today? Should the children of undocumented immigrants have birthright citizenship if born on American soil? Is amnesty justified? Another set of questions will investigate what principles of justice regarding immigration apply generally to countries around the world. These might include: Should religion or ethnicity ever play a role in formulating migration policy? What obligations are owed towards refugees? Should people be able to freely move across borders? Does maintaining cultural integrity, democratic stability. liberal values, economics concerns, and/or national security justify restrictions on immigration? What, if anything, justifies the use of force to keep people off our land? What, if anything, makes a territory “ours”? Finally, America immigration policies and politics will be compare to and contrasted with those of Europe and other countries.
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 200H  Topic: Human Rights and Global Politics  (3 credits)  
POL 201A  Campaign Politics  (3 credits)  
: Studies the inner workings of how campaigns and elections operate in the United States as candidates seek to gain elective office. Takes students through the process of a campaign including: fundraising, media strategy, policy research and formulation, and get out the vote efforts on election day.
Course Rotation: Fall and Summer
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 201E  Topics: Americans Political Thoughts  (3 credits)  
POL 201G  Politics Workshop : Leaders and Leadership  (3 credits)  
POL 202A  Government Internship Workshop  (3 credits)  
POL 202B  Sociology of Politics Workshop  (3 credits)  
POL 202D  Politics Workshop: People and Politics in New York City  (3 credits)  
POL 202H  Politics Workshop: Criminal Justice  (3 credits)  
POL 202I  Politics Workshop: History and Decision Making  (3 credits)  
POL 202J  Workshop: Cultural History and Policy Making  (3 credits)  
POL 203A  Politics Workshop: Revolution and Terrorism  (3 credits)  
POL 203B  Politics Workshop: Social Global Entreprenuership  (3 credits)  
From 'doing well by doing good' to fair and transparent leadership - ethics in business, government and society is all about transforming the paradigm in which these enterprises take place. One name given to this transformative process is "social entrepreneurship." Topics discussed will include definitions, implications, and routes to creating a better world while enabling the student to find success in their choice of work. A model will be developed in class for a sustainable business opportunity that can have global impact. Guests who have succeeded while caring to make their workplace and the world better places will be invited into roundtable discussions with the class throughout the session.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 203C  Individual Liberties and the Bill of Rights  (3 credits)  
POL 203D  Topic: Comparative Governments  (3 credits)  
POL 203G  Politics Workshop: African Politics and Foreign Policy  (3 credits)  
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 203J  Politics Workshop: Cultural History and Policy Making  (3 credits)  
POL 203L  Politics Workshop: Congresses, Parlimentes, Other Legislatures  (3 credits)  
POL 205  Political/Socio-Economic Problems of Middle East  (3 credits)  
POL 206  Politics and the Environment: An Urban Perspective  (3 credits)  
This course will focus on how politics and environmental concerns manifest themselves in an urban setting. A history of legislation such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, NY State Environmental Quality Act, Noise and Air Space Regulations will be reviewed and applied to New York City. Confronting the environmental problems that downtown New York faces in relationship to the aftermath of 9/11/01 will also be a topic of analysis. This course will be jointly offered to students in the Environmental Studies major so that a team approach can be developed in analyzing public policy and the environmental consequences of decision-making and non decision-making.
Course Rotation: NY: Fall, PL: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 207  Political Empowerment  (3 credits)  
With all major challenges facing this country and our world, why doesn’t everyone want to do something about it? What prevents people from getting involved? This course seeks to answer these questions through exploration of the notion of empowerment. What is it? What does it have to do with politics, or democracy? This course will examine these questions through the combination of lectures, presentations, readings and “real world” community-based work. An interest in policy, community-building, government and/or improving civic life is strongly recommended for individuals wishing to enroll in this course. Students will conduct 25 hours of community-based work with staff from outside organizations.
Course Rotation: PLV:Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 208  Survey of Comparative Political Theory  (3 credits)  
Panoramic survey of teachings and prescriptions about power, rule, government, and public affairs in Western, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox, Latin American , African civilizations applies systematic comparative analysis to explicate and contrast their norms concerning state, rule of law, accountability, liberty, legitimate coercion. Course Rotaion: NYC & NYC: TBD
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 209  Leadership and Advocacy  (3 credits)  
This course will explore organizing and leadership through a combination of readings, "real world" community work and online discussions. Students will undertake grassroots mobilization work as well as develop organizing skills that influence the community and strengthen leadership skills. An interest in organizing, empowerment. policy, government and/or improving civic life is strongly recommended for individuals enrolled in this course. Students will participate in community based work with advocacy organizations in their own communities during the semester.
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall & Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 210  Comparative Political Systems  (3 credits)  
Key features and functions of political systems are analyzed and compared by cross-referencing states that are diverse geographically, developmentally, and ideologically. Students will examine case studies in regions such as Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the former Soviet Union.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring. PLV: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 212  Introduction to International Organizations  (3 credits)  
This course will provide an introduction to the institutions and organizations that structure, regulate and govern international political, economic, social, cultural and humanitarian affairs. Students will learn about the political issues and dilemmas in creating international organizations and in how they address common problems. Examples of international organizations might include: The United Nations, The European Union, other regional organizations such as the African Union, the World Bank, IMF, as well as looking at non-governmental organizations, transnational advocacy networks and multinational businesses.
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Spring, Odd Years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 213  Twenty-First Century Politics  (3 credits)  
Crisis areas in humanity's future - war, revolution, racism, poverty, automation, crime, civil liberty, education, the arts, and urbanism. Preconditions, contemporary problems, and prospects for the decades ahead are examined. Worldwide, regional and local experiences are contrasted with other cultures.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall and Spring. PLV: Fall - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 214  Revolution or Reform  (3 credits)  
It is not enough to ask why governments are overthrown, why a group wants political change, why some political actions fail and others succeed. We need to ask how. The "how" can determine whether there will be a massacre as a penalty for a slave revolt, or whether new laws will finally acknowledge that someone’s pain and existence matters. This class explores revolution, resistance, and reform, three methods to deal with political crisis. We will explore the differences, particularly in terms of advantages and disadvantages, of these forms of political action. Our main region of focus will be Latin America, particularly the history and contemporary status of Haiti.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall. PLV: Fall - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 215  Chinese Politics  (3 credits)  
This class provides students with an understanding of the political, economic, and social changes which have taken place in China from the 19th Century until today. How did China go from being one of the world's poorest countries, to a global superpower? What were the challenges that the Communist Party faced after they won the civil war In 1949 and how well or poorly has the Party governed China over the last 70 years?
Course Rotation: TBD
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 218  Political Science and Economic Thought  (3 credits)  
The works of classical, neo-classical, and radical thinkers whose ideas have had a major impact upon Western political ideology, governmental economic policies, and global development reviewed. Writings of such theorists as Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, John Locke, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, Thomas Jefferson, and more recent writers are examined in terms of their political and ideological relevance in the world today.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 219  International Political Economy and Globalization  (3 credits)  
This course examines the politics of international financial institutions, regional economic organizations, and globalization. Case studies of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization as well as the effects of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and other major economic actors will be discussed. The effects of and responses to globalization by people around the world will be a central focus throughout the course.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall. PLV: Spring - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 220  Political Parties and Interest Groups  (3 credits)  
A comprehensive study of the organization and operation of the political party and pressure group as component factors in American government, including their influences upon the electoral process and the development of public policy.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 221  Politics of Protest Groups  (3 credits)  
POL 222  Issues in Public Policy  (3 credits)  
This class emphasizes the politics of policy making. Politics is about who gets what, when, and how through government and policy; in other words, it’s about who “wins.” However this definition does not also account for the politics of agenda setting, which explains how certain groups of people are more capable of having their issues heard and responded to by the government. Not only will students learn how politics influence which policies are enacted, but also how citizens and lawmakers who are increasingly polarized can better understand each other, create convincing arguments to build coalitions, and find common ground by emphasizing their shared values and common goals.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring, Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 223  Political Theory: Machiavelli to the Present  (3 credits)  
POL 224  Public Opinion and Polling Methods  (3 credits)  
This course examines public opinion in American politics and how to measure it. We will discuss how people make decisions and form their opinions, including the influence of bias, ethnocentrism, and cultural norms. We will also examine how opinion and belief can be influenced through framing and suggestion, and how to account for those influences in survey research. The second half of the semester will teach students how to create and distribute their own surveys. This section includes information about proper survey design, sampling, question wording, and how to read and understand survey results. Credit Badge: Data Science.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 225  Global Justice  (3 credits)  
Do we have duties of justice as global citizens? Is it even possible to speak of justice beyond the borders of a political community like the "nation-state"? For example, are we permitted to be selfish and not care about world hunger? May we favor our own countrymen and countrywomen over foreigners? lf our duties conflict, how do we reason about them? These are some of the types of questions we address in this course. We look at what justice is as a concept, how to determine whether something is a matter of personal ethics or justice, how that helps us answer what global justice specifically is, how to use empirical studies of the world to determine how to apply standards of justice in concrete cases, what global justice would look like if it were to realized, how it might be advanced in a world where states still are the most powerful actors, and to what extent citizens, political leaders, and other actors have a duty to further global justice. Specific topics may include world hunger and poverty, global economic in equality, just war theory, self-determination and secession, immigration, culture, and human rights.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring, even years
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 230  U.S. Foreign Relations  (3 credits)  
This course examines US foreign relations. It will look at how US foreign policy is made, who the actors are, and how foreign relations have changed over time. Students will gain an understanding of the dynamics of the global role of the US and it will provide a way for students to critically examine US global policy and behavior.
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: TBD
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 233  Advanced International Relations  (3 credits)  
Building on theories of international relations and diplomacy, this course will explore in-depth case studies focused on: border and resource conflicts, global capitalism, weapons proliferation, social movements, displacement, and human rights. Research, writing, communication, and critical analytical skills will be emphasized, particularly through the development of individual case studies.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 240  Applied Research Methods  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to provide a broad introduction to issues of research methods and design in Political Science. Emphasis is on the subfield of American Politics, but most of the methodological issues discussed could apply to other areas of the discipline as well, or even to the social sciences more generally. Consideration is given to both quantitative and non-quantitative approaches to research and no specific background in methodology is expected or assumed. The goals of this course are to prepare you to understand material taught in Political Science and other social science courses and to teach you research methods that you may use in future courses or later in your careers. We will discuss the logic of the scientific method, research design (emphasizing survey research and experiments), and statistical analysis of data.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring - Even years. PLV: Spring - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 241  Classical Political Thought  (3 credits)  
A consideration of the major political concepts that shaped classical culture, with an emphasis on biblical, Greek, Roman, and early Christian writings.
Course Rotation: NYC: Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 242  Medieval Political Theory  (3 credits)  
An examination of the main political theories of the Middle Ages, presented in the writings of several medieval thinkers. These works are read and then discussed against the political background of Europe from the fourth to the fourteenth centuries.
Course Rotation: NYC: Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 243  Modern Political Theory  (3 credits)  
The contributions of some of the major political theorists, including Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Hegel, Kant. Special attention is given to their treatment of the following concepts: the nature of man and the nature of the state; political power and authority; political rights and duties; political change.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 244  American Political Thought  (3 credits)  
The contribution of major American theorists from John Winthrop to the present are examined. Their contributions to the uniquely American systems of government are analyzed.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 245  Politics and Media  (3 credits)  
This course examines how media and political institutions interact to shape public thinking and debates around social problems, cultural norms, policies. and both media and politics themselves. The course explores how media technologies, practices, and formats shape political decision making; how political forces influence media institutions; and how public opinion and media audiences are formed. Students will gain an understanding of these issues through in-depth readings, class discussions, written assignments, and social media technologies that help students to develop their own informed views and to learn to express them constructively.
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 247  International Law and Human Rights  (3 credits)  
This course explores the relationship between international law and human rights in theory and in practice. We examine the tension between sovereignty and human rights, debates around what types of human rights should be protected, the advantages and disadvantages of using international law to address human rights violations, and the role of human rights advocates and defenders. Possible issues include torture, gender and racial violence, indigenous rights, refugees, labor rights, climate change, and more.Credit Badge: Immigration Advocacy and Policy.
Course Rotation: NY: Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 248  Twentieth Century World  (3 credits)  
POL 249  Feminist Political Theory  (3 credits)  
This course provides a survey of feminist theorizing with a particular emphasis on social and political theory and on probing the impact of feminist theory on domestic and international practice. It explores questions such as the how gender is constructed, the significance of diversity and intersecting status positions in gender constructions, how feminist agency and knowledge creation are possible within structures of masculine domination, the contribution of feminist knowledge to moral and democratic theories, and the relevance of these questions to feminist activism and scholarship.
Course Rotation: NY.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 250  Gender and Politics  (3 credits)  
In this course we will critically examine women in formal decision-making roles; political decision and events that affect men and women in various ways; the interaction of gender with other constructs such as race, class, sexuality and nationalism; and the relevance of feminist political philosophies and feminist critiques of mainstream political theory.
Course Rotation: NY: Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 255  United States Intelligence and Espionage  (3 credits)  
POL 256  Middle East Politics through Film  (3 credits)  
Assuming that "a picture is worth a thousand word," this course will use films, background readings and discussion to make the problems, tensions and forces at work in the Middle East today more understandable to the student. Documents like "Promises" and "The Fifty Years War", large budget Hollywood films like "Lawrence of Arabia" and "Syriana" independent films like "My Country, My Country" will enable the students to more deeply explore the countries and complexities of the Middle East.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 257  Latinx Politics in the United States  (3 credits)  
This class examines Latinx political history, Latinx political participation in the United States, and contemporary Latinx politics issues. Students will explore major themes with Latinx politics including political identity, social movements, political behavior, public opinion, and immigration. We will also spend a considerable amount of time discussing the role of Latinx voters in the U.S elections. Credit Badge: Immigration Advocacy and Policy.
Course Rotation: NY; Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 260  Politics Through Film  (3 credits)  
This course looks at the nature of politics through its portrayal in film. Attention is paid to the relationship between the individual and society, between human nature and the nature of social and political institutions, and this course examines how these elements are represented in and through film. It explores the interaction of the artist, writer, or thinker of the film, and society.
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV; Fall, odd years
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 265  Politics in Literature  (3 credits)  
This course explores the political concepts and ideas embedded in select works of literature. Themes that will be explored include absurdity, depictions of democracy, domination, dystopia, existentialism, hopelessness, justice, judgement, law, and resistance. Authors such as Albert Camus, James Baldwin, Franz Kafka, Shirley Jackson, Herman Melville, and Fredrich Nietzsche will be covered. Assigned literary works will be accompanied by faculty led theoretical interventions into each text to complement, deepen, and enrich student’s experience with assigned readings.
Course Rotation: Spring, Even Years
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 270  Global Politics of Disarmament and Arms Control  (3 credits)  
An examination of the international politics of limiting the impact of violent conflict through disarmament arms control and nonproliferation. Students will learn about, analyze and critique diplomatic, legal, military and humanitarian efforts on weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological and chemical), conventional weapons (e.g. landmines, cluster munitions, small arms and light weapons), the arms trade, as well as emerging high-tech systems (e.g. military robotics).
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 271  Environmental Politics  (3 credits)  
This course will examine global, national, and local politics of environmental issues, including pollution, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, and climate change. Students will learn to analyze, engage with, and communicate about such concerns in their own communities and beyond.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring, Even Years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 272  Ocean Polotics  (3 credits)  
This workshop class studies the politics of oceans and the people who depend on them for their livelihoods and lifeways. Topics will include climate change politics, ocean-borne protest, the Law of the Sea and the diplomacy of what the UN calls “Small Island States.” An elective in the Political Science major, the course will be of particular interest to students of Political Science, Environmental Studies and Peace and Justice Studies.
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Spring, Odd Years
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 296A  Topic: Political Geography/ Geopolitics  (3 credits)  
POL 296B  Topic: Comparative Politics in Western Europe  (3 credits)  
POL 296C  Topic: International Peace Through Technology  (3 credits)  
POL 296D  Topic: Chinese Political Thought  (3 credits)  
POL 296E  Topic: Voting, Apportionment and Negotiation Theory  (3 credits)  
POL 296F  Topic: Politics of Education  (3 credits)  
This civic engagement (AOK 1) course will be centered on the ¿We The People¿ curriculum that was developed by the Center for Civic Education and offered throughout the United States. We will concentrate our efforts in working with high schools in the NYC system. The class will be a two-stage process. First we will learn the instructional material and discuss the principles underpinning the U.S. Constitution. In the second stage, Pace students will mentor high school students on gaining political literacy and competency on the principles and history of the Constitution by helping them prepare for the city-wide ¿We the People¿ competition which will be held at Pace University in January 2007. This four-credit course demands that each student participates in both the learning and teaching parts of the class.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 296G  Topic: Urban Politics  (3 credits)  
Through canonical texts and films, this class will explore the international relations, historical narratives and, and daily experiences/practices of two regions of interest, the Middle East and South Asia. The class material will highlight the complex cultural and socio-political life in the contemporary Middle East and South Asia and will challenge some of the assumptions and stereotypes about the history, cultures, religions and politics associated with these regions. We will address issues of colonialism, border conflicts, ethnic minorities, diasporas, land disputes, government structures, and local cultural struggles. Gender analysis will play a central role in the class.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 296H  Topic: Human Rights and Global Politics  (3 credits)  
POL 296J  Topic: Ethnic Conflict and Nationalism  (3 credits)  
This course seeks to understand the politicization of ethnicity. Confronting outdated theories of primordial ethnic hatreds, this class instead explores the multiple factors at play in conflicts between various groups. What are the underlying causes of conflict, and what are appropriate peace-building measures? What is the relationship between states, nationalism, and ethnic identity?
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 296K  Topic: Community Politics and the Environment  (3 credits)  
POL 296M  Topic: Public Opinion, Voting, and Campaign Strategy: AC-Span Experience  (3 credits)  
This course will study the various aspects of elections in the United States during campaign years for the U.S. Presidential, U.S. Senate, and U.S. congressional elections. The students collect and analyze data, study public opinion surveys, and evaluate voter preferences within the context of the elections. Course is usually offered in the semester of a campaign.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 296P  Topic: Middle East Politics  (3 credits)  
This course examines the region known as the Middle East, comprising North African and Western Asian states. Central points of discussion will include the legacy of colonialism, the historical relationship with South Asia and Africa, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, U.S. foreign policy, peace and security, and refugee crises.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 296R  Topic: Race and American Political Development  (3 credits)  
This course will look at the politics of race in America as it has developed over most of its history. It will seek to understand how the issue of race has impacted upon the various institutions of American government, how individuals and governmental institutions have responded (or have not responded) to racial conflict, what solutions to the problem of racial conflict were proposed and settled upon at certain points in U.S. history, and what its legacy has been as America enters the 21st century. The goal of the course will be to keep a larger question in mind – namely, what the politics of race at its core says about an American Contract that is premised on freedom and equality.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 296S  The Future of Democracy: Race for the Presidency  (3 credits)  
This course will deal with the different strategies being pursued by each of the major party candidates, the historical significance of these strategies, and an analysis of which is most likely to be successful. Students will work as teams to develop state by state and regional strategies for the candidates. The Electoral College will be examined and the American system will be compared with parliamentary systems with specific emphasis on Italy. Campaign tactics and organization along with financing will be major items of discussion. Students need to bring an interest in politics, a willingness to learn and the willingness to interact with one another. A series of short papers will be required along with two examinations. First year students are welcome in the course.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 296T  Comparative Political Economy of the Far East  (3 credits)  
POL 296X  Topic: New York City Council Governance  (3 credits)  
This course will study the politics, structure and operations of the New York City Council. Students will have the opportunity to engage in an eight-week practicum with a member of the City Council or a division of the Council, depending on the student’s specific interests. The course will provide classroom instruction that will analyze the Council, including its Finance, Legal and Investigative Units, and the operation of a Council Member’s legislative and community functions. Students will then work on a project for the Council after which they will return to the classroom to share their experiences with their classmates. Ideally, this course will bridge the gap between “classroom learning” and “hands-on work experience” in municipal government.
Course Rotation: NY; Fall (Even Years)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 296Y  C-Span in the Classroom  (3 credits)  
Using the latest technology, our class will join via video-conferencing with classes at Denver University and George Mason University in Virginia. We will explore timely issues in government, politics, and the media. This class will be using the extensive library of C-Span television and real-time interviews with some of the most influential political leaders and opinion makers in the United States. This class is a nationally recognized innovation in teaching political science. In this course students will learn the meaning of the terms "political junkies" and "political pundits" by entering the real world within the Washington beltway.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297C  Leading Change: Leadership Seminar  (3 credits)  
This spring’s seminar is based on the book Our Iceberg is Melting, written by the world-renowned leadership guru, Dr. John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber. Holger will share his knowledge with the class in-person several times during the semester. This is a rare opportunity for students to learn collaborative leadership from the author of this great new book. The goal of this course is to help students develop a tool-set, skill-set and mind-set for working, living and succeeding in an ever-changing world. You will learn to analyze what is happening with the change you aspire to see and ideas where to focus your energy. Our mission is to help students understand which natural role you can play in (the leadership of) any transformational effort.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297E  Global Climate Change: Politics and Policy  (3 credits)  
This course will explore the science and economics of global warming, the politics, and policy options for averting the worst impacts. We will look at the work of a number of scientists, journalists, and policymakers. Writing for class will be an important component, as will active discussion in class.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297F  Manifest Destiny Abroad, Social Darwinism at Home: The Politics of 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina  (3 credits)  
The attacks of September 11, 2001 presented the United States with one of its most challenging foreign policy crises in its history. On the other side, Hurricane Katrina was the largest natural – and some say man-made – disaster in its history. Occurring within five short years of one another, some say that 9/11 and Katrina have changed the United States in fundamental ways of which we are just beginning to see the effects. Others argue that these two events have actually exposed the “true” nature of American politics and culture. How have 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina changed American politics? This course will examine these two events and seek to place them in a historical context by analyzing American foreign policy and domestic policy pre- and post-9/11 and Katrina.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297G  Topic: Political Consciousness - The Inward Journey Meets Transforming the World  (3 credits)  
Planet earth is becoming an increasingly web-linked social network, a global village. Globalization has the potential for increased understanding as well as the potential for destructive misunderstanding. Exciting debates are emerging across academic disciplines about developing a political consciousness of democracy that will positively mediate our understanding of globalization. This workshop will engage students in a personal transformation towards understanding democracy. Understanding our own process of increasing democratic behavior is a precursor to creating democratic relationships with others. We will examine contemporary conflicts among groups while attempting to apply deep democracy to mediate long-standing conflicts.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297H  Topic: Presidential Leadership: The Politics of Change  (3 credits)  
Change was the major theme of the 2008 Presidential election. This course will examine how American presidents have brought about change during the first few months of their administrations. The newly elected President and his policies will be examined as well as the political strategies he uses to forward his agenda. Comparisons will be made with the first two years (2000-2002) of the Bush presidency and the first two years of the Clinton presidency (1992-1994) as well as the Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt administrations. We will focus on the resources the president has to use and the opposition which he must overcome to bring about change. We will be looking at mass media analysis, presidential histories and undertaking policy analysis of competing proposals. The emphasis will be on a dynamic analysis of the various proposals undertaken, how they fare and the political implications of these actions. Given the continuing economic concerns, the foreign policy concerns, and the need to meet leadership questions quickly, this should be a lively and provocative course. Students with a general interest in public policy and presidential leadership should take the course.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297J  Presidential Politics and the 2010 Midterm Elections  (3 credits)  
November 2010 promises to be an important month for President Obama and for American politics. It will be his first off-year or midterm elections. Historically, we know that the President’s party often loses seats in the House and the Senate. In some cases the off-year and midterm elections become centered on the president’s performance to date or on a particular program or policy which he has championed. This course examines the historical content of prior midterm elections, places the 2010 midterm election in the context of prior midterm elections and within the context of Presidential politics, considers the various possible outcomes and what they could mean for the future of American politics and considers the impact of the midterm elections on the 2012 Presidential race and how both Democrats and Republicans are affected by the results. This course is designed for the student who wants to understand the midterm elections and their possible political significance. Professor Caputo has extensive experience in electoral politics and public policy analysis. We will also be utilizing C-SPAN and I Clicker technology in the course. Both majors and non-majors are welcome.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297L  Global Politics of Disarmament and Arms Control  (3 credits)  
An examination of the international politics of limiting the impact of violent conflict through disarmament arms control and nonproliferation. Students will learn about, analyze and critique diplomatic, legal, military and humanitarian efforts on weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological and chemical), conventional weapons (e.g. Landmines, cluster munitions, small arms and light weapons), the arms trade, as well as emerging high-tech systems (such as cyber-weapons and military robots).
Course Rotation: Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297M  Topics: Public Education, Policy, and Law  (3 credits)  
This seminar will explore how law and policy interact in public education (both K-12 and higher education), focusing on significant Supreme Court constitutional rulings involving race and/or religion and current policy conflicts. We will grapple with several questions: 1) What impact do Court decisions have on policy and practice? 2) To what extent does (or should) the law limit policy options in these areas? 3) How should we balance competing values in public education? 4) How should policymakers weigh different interests and priorities? 5) To what extent should individual choice govern public education?
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring, Even Years
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297N  Topic: The 2020 Campaigns and Elections in the United States  (1 credits)  
This class will be a one credit seminar focusing on the Presidential and Congressional elections this fall. Background in American politics is not required, international students are welcome. We will focus on the structure of American democracy and will use the current elections to understand the law, politics, and policy underlying the elections. Students should read, watch, and listen to multiple news sources to contextualize election news. Most of all, students should use this class to think more deeply about the political process in the United States, and enjoy learning different perspectives.
Course Rotation: NYC: TBD
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297S  Topic: The Arab Spring  (3 credits)  
In the Spring of 2011, a chain-reaction of popular upheavals shook the countries of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, causing authoritarian leaders in Tunisia and Egypt to step down. Other countries throughout the region experienced massive protests as well, producing diverse outcomes, ranging from the NATO intervention in Libya, to timid reforms in Morocco and Saudi Arabia. This course will explore the cultural, geopolitical, and socioeconomic forces that set the stage for the so-called Arab Spring, in the light of both recent history as well as ongoing events in this world-changing regional drama.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 297T  Topics: Russian Foreign Policy  (3 credits)  
This course explores the theoretical underpinnings and empirical applications of Russian foreign policy from the collapse of the Soviet Union to the present period, with special attention dedicated to the ongoing war in Ukraine. As such, this is a course that examines the reemergence of a regional hegemon in a multipolar and multilateral world. Given the three decades under study, the subject matter will include studies in International Relations, Comparative Politics, Comparative Historical Analysis, and Russian socio-political history.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall; Even Years
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 299A  Challenge Seminar in Politics: "...Teaching Democracy, the Constitution, & Civic Engagement"  (4 credits)  
A four-credit course that will have Pace students utilizing their classroom experience by preparing N.Y. City High School students for a city wide competition sponsored by the Center for Civic Engagement.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 299B  Challenge Seminar: America, Democracy and the Empire in the 21st Century  (6 credits)  
New York City and the World is designed to introduce international students to the political, cultural, economic and social life of New York and the United States. This six credit course will focus on America, Democracy and the Empire in the 21st Century. It will be an intensive, month-long seminar focusing on the following three areas: 1) The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and American Democracy; 2) "A Pax Americana": American foreign policy in a post 9/11 world; and 3) "The World Responds": international relations and the US role in a global world.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 299C  Topics in Political Science: Political Psychology  (3 credits)  
POL 299H  Topic: The Healthcare System in the US  (3 credits)  
POL 299K  Topic:Community Politics/Envir  (3 credits)  
POL 299M  Challenge Seminar: Politics and the Media  (3 credits)  
Media plays an increasing role in informing our political opinions. The class will analyze the growth of the media industry, laws governing access and free speech, political campaigns, polling, and ideology. How the Presidency, Congress, the courts, state and local governments use media will be considered. The continuem of media as a corporate entity to grassroots media activism will be explored.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 299R  Brazilian Exchange (Political Science) I  (3 credits)  
POL 299S  Brazilian Exchange ( Political Science) II  (3 credits)  
POL 301  Workshop: Community Politics and Environment  (3 credits)  
Special studies are chosen from a changing list of topics dealing with Political Science, constitutional issues, world affairs, public policy, and political leaders. POL 303A International Organization and POL 303C United Nations Workshop may be repeated once each for credit, as tehse workshops prepare students for various international conferences, simulations and for United Nations models, with different countries assigned for representation and different issues to be addressed each time. No more than 12 credits will be counted toward the major.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Spring, and Summer. PLV: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 301A  Politics Workshop: Leaders and Leadership  (3 credits)  
An exciting look at the present theories of leadership not only in politics but in many other fields including business and non-profits organizations will be explored. Problem solving, decision-making and current leadership theories will be analyzed. Cutting-edge practices in transformational leadership for change will be simulated in class. Students will not only analyze leadership, they will develop their skills of leadership leading to enhanced opportunities for personal achievement.
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 301B  Workshop: Playing the Game-Who Gets What, When, and How  (3 credits)  
POL 301C  Politics Workshop: Political Satire and Cartoons  (3 credits)  
Humorists, cartoonists, and commentators around the world are surveyed. Their wit is added to the accumulated body of satire and science fiction to shed light on excess, pomposity, hypocrisy, rabble-rousing, and taste. Weekly surveys of cartoons yield examples for collections on topics such as ethics, apathy, power, authority, influence, force, and manipulation. Students construct a satirical gallery of contemporary heroes and rogues and compile a current manual of archetypal political scenarios, fables, and cautionary tales.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 301E  Workshop: Power, Influence and Authority  (3 credits)  
POL 301F  Workshop: The Supreme Court and Authority  (3 credits)  
POL 301G  Workshop: Presidential Leadership  (3 credits)  
Many political scientists have analyzed the character, policies, and achievements of presidents. This course will look primarily at post World War II presidents to determine the rise in presidential decision making power. Are there sufficient checks and balances to oversee this rise? Has Congress, the Courts or the media properly addressed this? Do we have an imperial presidency? If yes, must something be done to insure that democratic institutions limit the use of executive power? Why? How does presidential power impact present national and international issues?
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 301H  Workshop: Congress and Public Policy  (3 credits)  
POL 301J  Workshop: Constitutional Law and Social Change  (3 credits)  
How does law change and evolve? Why do some societies experience gradual social growth, while others violent political revolution? What are the conditions by which groups displaced by legal norms can use legal processes to redefine their legal status? How do legal institutions work under the stress of social pressure? How do abstract normative concepts such as justice, liberty and equality redefine, and are redefined by, the goals of groups and the standards of legal obligation which are afforded to those groups? The course seeks to answer these and other questions.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 301K  Politics Workshop: Politics of Law in American Society  (3 credits)  
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 301M  Topic: Slavery and American Politics  (3 credits)  
POL 301N  Politics Workshop: 9/11: A Five Year Assessment  (3 credits)  
POL 302  Politics Workshop: Road to the White House  (3 credits)  
Special studies are chosen from a changing list of topics dealing with Political Science, constitutional issues, world affairs, public policy, and political leaders. POL 303A International Organization and POL 303C United Nations Workshop may be repeated once each for credit, as tehse workshops prepare students for various international conferences, simulations and for United Nations models, with different countries assigned for representation and different issues to be addressed each time. No more than 12 credits will be counted toward the major.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Spring, and Summer. PLV: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 302A  Politics Workshop: Comparative Government  (3 credits)  
This course examines the similarities and differences of various political systems. It looks at political institutions, political parties and political cultures. The course will examine how these factors may or may not support democratic systems, as well as how political actors can manipulate and undermine democratic governance. The impact of external pressures on domestic politics, including regional integration, globalization and international crises, will be another area of study. Questions that may be asked include: What is required for democratic governance? What is meant by illiberal democracy? How do organizations like the European Union influence national policy-making? How do economic interdependence and globalization constrain domestic decision-making? How do we make comparisons across time and place?
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 302B  Workshop: Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chief Executives  (3 credits)  
Students compare executive offices and functions according to constitutional and institutional situations in which they are found. Topics include values, structure, and executive power, the executive establishment (ministers, advisors, and surrogates of power as well as physicians and protection), legislative relations, communications, crisis management, and, for national executives, security and foreign policy processes. As a group project, classroom simulation is done of the executive budget process based on procedures used by U.S. state and local governments.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 302C  Workshop: Constitutional Law: Civil Rights  (3 credits)  
Equality lies at the heart of American democracy. And yet, the word "equality" has had different meanings at different times, and has been defined in different ways by different individuals and groups. This course focuses on the history of civil rights litigation and the unending search for "equality" on the part of marginalized groups in the United States. Students will learn how to brief cases which is perfect for any student who wants to attend law school. Restrictions/Requirements: Satisfies Politics Senior Seminar. Fulfills 3 credits in Inquiry and Exploration.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 302D  Workshop: Congresses, Parliaments, and Other Legislatures  (3 credits)  
POL 302E  Workshop: Comparative Electoral Systems  (3 credits)  
POL 302F  Topics: Off-Year Congressional Elections: Their Political and Policy Implications  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to explain the dynamics of off-year congressional (U.S. House and U.S. Senate) elections and how they impact future political and public policy decisions. The course explores the most recent off-year elections and places them in an historical and political context. The course reviews and considers the various theoretical, political and statistical explanations which have been offered to explain off-year electoral outcomes. The course also considers the impact off-year elections have on both the House and Senate, the presidency, and American public policy.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall and Spring, even years .
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 302H  Workshop: Development of Political Science  (3 credits)  
POL 302I  Workshop: Freedom and Sustainability in 21st Century: Global Comparison  (3 credits)  
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 302J  Workshops: Sustainability and Sovereignity in the 21st Century  (3 credits)  
Analyzes and compares the approaches to sustainable development in the affluent Norht with economic development in the South. What is the interrelationship between sustainable development and such issues as: human rights, economic development, democracy, healthcare. What is the hope for reducing global climate change and making development sustainable?
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 302M  Workshop: Immigration, Race and Citizenship in the United States  (3 credits)  
One in ten residents of the United States was born outside the country. In Texas, about 16% of residents are foreign-born. These people include international students, temporary workers, refugees, asylees, permanent residents, naturalized U.S. citizens and undocumented migrants (those entering the United States without proper documents or overstaying temporary visas). The arrival of these newcomers affect the cultural, economic, political and social dynamics of the country. Since immigration shows no signs of slowing down - in the United States or in many other nations of the world - the causes, consequences and repercussions of immigrations will be one of the most important topics of the 21st century. Therefore this class will examine the history and contemporary role of immigration in the U.S. political system.
Course Rotation: NY: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 302N  Workshop: Slavery and American Politics  (3 credits)  
POL 303  Politics Workshop: The United Nations  (3 credits)  
Special studies are chosen from a changing list of topics dealing with Political Science, constitutional issues, world affairs, public policy, and political leaders. POL 303A International Organization and POL 303C United Nations Workshop may be repeated once each for credit, as tehse workshops prepare students for various international conferences, simulations and for United Nations models, with different countries assigned for representation and different issues to be addressed each time. No more than 12 credits will be counted toward the major.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Spring, and Summer. PLV: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 303A  Politics Workshop: International Organization  (3 credits)  
Topics about many aspects of International Relations are researched, negotiated and discussed. Simulations of many intergovernmental organizations, particularly the United Nations, are used in the method of instruction. A requirement of this course is participation in at least one of intercollegiate model of international affairs. The usual time for this competition is the weekend before Thanksgiving break. You may take this course twice since topics, countries and non-governmental organizations are always different.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 303B  Workshop: Revolution and Terrorism  (3 credits)  
POL 303C  Politics Workshop: United Nations  (3 credits)  
The purpose of this politics workshop is to understand how intergovernmental systems, especially the United Nations' system, function. The art of diplomacy and policy-making is practiced through the simulation of the behavior of United Nations member states and non-governmental organizations. Students will attain skills in communication, writing, research, public speaking, and negotiation as they relate to international relations and comparative politics. Skills will be practiced at competitive conferences at the local, regional, national, and international levels. Attendance at one intercollegiate conference is mandatory that usually occurs the week before Easter Sunday.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 303D  Workshop: International Issues and Trouble Spots  (3 credits)  
Studies current instances of international disputes in the long-term context of conflict and interdependence. National, regional, religious, ethnic, ideological and economic differences receiving the attention of the international community are examined. Up-to-date developments are analyzed in international structures for managing conflict, including diplomacy, peace-keeping forces, and regional integration. Issues eligible for Security Council consideration are monitored.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 303E  American and Global Community Development: Theory, Policy and Practice  (3 credits)  
What role can and should government play to help address issues in healthcare, housing, education, and human services? The course will examine community development concepts, strategies, programs and projects. Students will review and evaluate U.S. public policy in community development and explore the different roles played by government, business, nonprofit organizations and local communities. The American approach to community development is compared to that of multinational and non-government organizations along with the successful strategies of other nations. The core functions of public service organizations will be explored; organizational structure and management practices; and income performance and financial management.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 303F  Workshop: Freedom in the World  (3 credits)  
This course in postmodern theory will explore what leading theorists are saying about freedom and justice in this technologically complex world. Reading will include, among others, Rawls and Habermas, and will be aimed at illuminating issues in the protection of freedom and democracy.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 303G  100 Years of Democracy and Citizenship  (3 credits)  
This course explores the ideas and movements of western political thought in the 20th century, including communism, fascism, liberalism, existentialism, feminism, postmodernism, and religious fundamentalism. The course will take students through the major events in the West over the last hundred years, from the onset of the Russian Revolution and World War I, to World War II, to the Cold War, to the “War on Terror.”Restriction/Requirement: pre-req or permission of Instructor
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 303H  Political and Social Entreprenuership  (3 credits)  
POL 303J  Workshop: International Environmental Law  (3 credits)  
There is a body of law that pertains to the conduct of nations regarding the environment. Are these laws necessary and sufficient to stem the impact of western-style globalization being expanded through the world. What is the role of international, national, and local entities to create an agenda for the 21st century that makes life possible not only for the present but in the future.
Course Rotation: TBA.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 303K  POL 303K Workshop: Topics in Political Science: Brazil  (3 credits)  
Brazil occupies a unique position in South America. It is the largest and most populous country on the continent and it is distinguished from its neighbors by language, culture, colonial and institutional histories. This course explores Brazilian politics from the military dictatorship (1964-1985) to the democratic period (1985-present). The course will examine many of the following aspects of Brazilian politics: challenges of governance, the history of dictatorship, the use of torture as a technique of social and political control, the nature of strikes and protests, the slow transition to democracy, corruption scandals and the role of the judiciary; and finally, the recent turn to the far right and the re-emergence of the growing role of the military. Brazilian films as well as guest speakers will facilitate the intricate exploration of these themes.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 303L  Topic in Political Science: Deep Democracy: The Inward Journey and Transforming the World  (0-3 credits)  
As planet earth becomes an increasingly web linked social network, a global village, with its wonderful potential for increased understanding as well as horrible potential for destructive misunderstanding, exciting debates are emerging across academic disciplines about the meaning of democracy. How does democracy merge as a value in the hearts, minds and actions of persons, groups, and nations? How significant is democracy in the process of creating meaningful paradigmatic change. This conversation has transcended the discipline of political science and has become a vigorous debate in psychology, sociology, philosophy and even theoretical physics. This workshop in Deep Democracy will explore the work of Arthur Mindell and others contemporary thinkers who are challenging democratic thinkers by demanding the implementation of democracy start as a personal transformational process within the individual and the group in which he participates. Understanding the predispositions towards democracy as well as the resistance to sharing its process in our own consciousness is a precursor to creating democratic relationships with others. Proliferating democratic engagements cross-culturally and mediating conflict by deliberative democratic experiences are necessary to reduce dissonance and encourage creative interchange among people. When democratic understanding reaches a critical mass so to speak, transformative shift occurs generating the space and context in which creative possibilities of trans-cultural understanding emerges, shedding light on the path toward formerly unconstruable, more humanly effective institutions.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 303M  Topics: Migration Politics: From Displacement to Deportation  (3 credits)  
This workshop examines the forced and voluntary migration of people, with an emphasis on how this phenomenon has significantly altered and been shaped by globalization, human rights law, various forms of political activism, and how countries encounter people entering their borders. In line with the research conducted by leading migration studies programs and think tanks around the U.S. and the world, we will focus on three key areas: 1) the factors that contribute to the displacement or "statelessness" of various communities; 2) the political agency of migrants in resisting and shaping policies; 3) the actions and rationale of countries in controlling migrant movements. The subtitle "from displacement to deportation" illustrates an emphasis on the particular vulnerabilities of "forced" migration. Credit Badge: Immigration Advocacy and Policy.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 310  Politics of Southeast Asia  (3 credits)  
This course examines the politics of Southeast Asia. We will look at problems of state building, transitions to and from democracy, ethnic and religious politics, and economic developmental questions. We will also explore regional and International politics, such as the rise of China and how this impacts Southeast Asia.
Course Rotation: TBA
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 322  Diplomacy  (3 credits)  
This course is a study of the people and institutions who facilitate and broker interactions between political players in the world. Diplomacy includes not only statecraft but also encounters and political agendas involving transnational nongovernmental organizations and networks, scientists, activists, and more. The topics explored in the course will vary depending on the expertise of the instructor and may include traditional approaches to statecraft, and/or critical approaches to diplomacy. Some possible examples of topics might include: the role of data and technology; small island state diplomacy; efforts to secure Indigenous rights; "heritage" diplomacy, including the acknowledgment of past harms and enduring legacies; “great power” diplomacy; as well as queer and feminist challenges to "great power" diplomacy."
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall, Odd Years
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 325  Conflict Analysis  (3 credits)  
This class will provide students with a range of analytical tools for understanding armed conflict, including the kinds of actors involved, their motivations, the systems in which they operate. It will examine the ways in which war is changing and contrast a variety of theoretical approaches to conflict, including the human needs approach, political economy, international relations and psychology.
Course Rotation: NY: Spring, even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 326  Reconciliation and Transitional Justice  (3 credits)  
Questions of reconciliation and justice are at the heart of peacebuilding in divided societies and post-conflict settings. This course exposes students to the complexities of reconciliation processes and helps students think analytically about the challenges that balancing the need for justice and peace in societies which have been devastated by violence. Throughout the course we will explore how societies go about resolving the tension between reconciliation and justice in post-conflict settings.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 330  Politics of the Global City  (3 credits)  
This class will explore the historical and contemporary role of global cities in international politics. Though comparative study, it will examine questions of political geography, cosmopolitanism, policing, urban warfare urban planning and the role of the art and culture in metropolitan politics.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 350  Road to the White House  (3 credits)  
This class will focus on the presidential selection process. We will take an in-depth look at what candidates have to do in order to capture the party nomination, and the role that political parties play in linking voters to the only nationally elected office in the American system of government. We will also examine other important aspects of the process, including the role of the media and interest groups, and the demands of campaign financing. When this semester concludes, you should be able to make informed judgments about the impact of the presidential selection process on the democratic character of the American political system.
Course Rotation: NY, Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 380A  Challenge Seminar: Democracy in America  (3 credits)  
POL 380B  Topic: Challenge Semimar in Politics  (3 credits)  
POL 380MI  Politics Through Film  (4 credits)  
The course looks at the nature of politics though its portrayal in film. Attention is paid to the relationship between the individual and society, between human nature and the nature of social and political institutions. Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 390  Honors Project in Political Science  (3 credits)  
POL 391  Politics Internship I  (4 credits)  
Internships enable students to participate in the daily management and operation of federal, state, county, and local government agencies. Placements are tailored to the particular interests and goals of students. Restrictions/Requirements: junior standing, 3.00 QPA and permission of Instructor.
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: POL 111 or POL 114 or POL 118 with minimum grade of D
POL 392  Politics Internship II  (4 credits)  
Internships enable students to participate in the daily management and operation of federal, state, county, and local government agencies. Placements are tailored to the particular interests and goals of students.Restrictions/Requirements: Junior standing, a minimum QPA of 3.00. Restriction/Requirement: permission of Instructor
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 393  Internship in Government and Politics  (1-12 credits)  
A variety of internships at local, state, and national levels of government, law, or advocacy work are available to qualified students. Students supplement the knowledge gained in the classroom setting by the "hands on" experience of program research, planning, and execution in a government, legal, policy, or advocacy organization. Restrictions/Requirements: junior standing, 3.00 QPA and permission of the Instructor. This course may be taken as an approved internship in various programs that the department approves.
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall, Spring, & Summer 1.
Prerequisites: POL 111 with minimum grade of D
POL 393A  Un Millenium Development Goals  (3-6 credits)  
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 395  Independent Study in Political Studies/Science  (0-9 credits)  
With the approval of the appropriate faculty member, the departmental chairperson, and the academic dean, students may select a topic for guided research that is not included in the regular course offerings. The student meets regularly with the faculty member to review progress. A research project or paper must also be submitted. Restrictions/Requirements: Junior standing and a minimum CQPA of 3.00, and permission of the Instructor.
Course Rotation: TBA.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 395A  Independent Study in Political Science (A)  (1-9 credits)  
POL 395B  Independent Study in Political Science (B)  (1-9 credits)  
POL 395C  Independent Study in Political Science (C)  (1-9 credits)  
POL 395N  Independent Study in Political Studies  (1-9 credits)  
POL 395W  Independent Study in Political Science  (1-9 credits)  
POL 396A  Topic: Post-Communist Transitions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia  (3 credits)  
This course offers students advanced theoretical, historical, and comparative studies of social and political transitions from single party Communist rule. Over the past three decades, former Communist states have produced a myriad of governments that include consolidated democracies like in Poland and the Czech Republic, weak democracies like Serbia and Romania, illiberal hybrid regimes like Russia and Ukraine, and entrenched authoritarian dictatorships like Turkmenistan and Belarus. Nearly all are still struggling to build a civil society based on political pluralism, and an economic sector designed for the free market but still adherent to social welfare. This course examines the post-Communist world in four sub-sections: Central Europe, Southeastern Europe, Russia and the Near Abroad, and Central Asia. Highlighting certain countries in each region, we will examine the relative capabilities and obstacles each region has experienced in transitioning from decades of various types of authoritarian Communist government. As such, this course provides a balance of theory and example to a series of debates in economic, political, social, and cultural issues that are part of larger studies on democratic transition.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Even Years
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
POL 499  Senior Year Experience in the Political Science  (3 credits)  
This course examines changing contemporary social, political, and economic issues from the viewpoint of the several social and behavioral sciences, including anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology. Multidisciplinary analyses are integrated through individual and group investigations and dialogue. Restrictions/Requirements: Senior standing as a major of Political Science. Restrictions/Requirements: Permission of the department Chairperson.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring - Even years. PLV: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.