FRE 101 Elementary College French I (3 credits)
FRE 101O Elementary Conversational French I - Learning Community (3 credits)
FRE 102 Elementary College French II (3 credits)
FRE 107 French West Africa and the Caribbean I (3 credits)
FRE 108 French West Africa and the Caribbean II (3 credits)
FRE 120 Survery of French Literature I (3 credits)
FRE 121 Survey of French Literature II (3 credits)
FRE 150 Travel Course to France (3 credits)
FRE 150A A Literary Voyage Through France and Spain (3 credits)
FRE 154 Topics: From French Literature in Translation (3 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
FRE 154A Topic in Translation: Love and Freedom in French Fiction (3 credits)
FRE 154B Topic: Women Authors of West Africa and the Caribbean (3 credits)
FRE 154C Topic: French Language and Culture (2 credits)
FRE 154D Topic: Magic, Wit, Love, Laughter: Moliere/Beaumarchais (3 credits)
FRE 154E Topic: Contemporary French Culture (3 credits)
FRE 154FM Topic: French-Speaking World in Film - Learning Community (3 credits)
FRE 154FO The French Speaking World in Film - Learning Community (3 credits)
FRE 154G Topic: Myth and French Theater of 20th Century (3 credits)
FRE 154H Topic: 18th Century Philosophy Writers Who Shaped Modern World (3 credits)
FRE 154J Topic: Love and Risk in Four French Novels (3 credits)
FRE 154K Topic: Search for Truth and Meaning in French Literature 20th Century (3 credits)
FRE 154L Topic: Culture and Literature of Modern France (3 credits)
FRE 154N Topic: 19th Century French Writers and Thinkers (3 credits)
FRE 154P Topics in French Literature of the African Diaspora (3 credits)
FRE 154Q Topic: Travel to Quebec (3 credits)
FRE 154R Topic: Our Northern Neighbors: Literature of Quebec (3 credits)
FRE 154S Topic: Literature From West Africa to the Caribbean (3 credits)
FRE 154T Topic: The Life and Times of Victor Hugo (3 credits)
FRE 154U Topics in French Literature: French Women Writers (3 credits)
FRE 154V Topic: Stability and Change in Modern France (3 credits)
FRE 154X France and America: Two Perspectives on Democracy, Freedom and the Modern Social and Politcal Order (3 credits)
FRE 154Y Topic: Dictators, Prostitutes, and Rebels: Francophone (3 credits)
FRE 155A Topic in Translation: French Existentialist Writers (3 credits)
FRE 155B Topic in Translation: The Short Story and Novella (3 credits)
FRE 155C Topic: Paris: A Tale of Two Cities in the Literary Imagination (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring
FRE 155T Topic: Realism, Naturalism, Mysticism-19th and 20th Centuries (3 credits)
FRE 161 The French Speaking World Seen Through Its Films (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PL: Fall, odd years.
FRE 162 Images of Women in French Literature and Film (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Summer.
FRE 163 Our Northern Neighbors: The Literature of Quebec (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV:Summer
FRE 164 Ye Cric! Francophone Voices of the Caribbean (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall;Summer
FRE 165 A Different Voice: Francophone Women of North America (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring
FRE 166 Wmn Authors W. Afrca and Carib (3 credits)
FRE 167 Paris: The City of Lights in Film and Fiction (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: TBD
FRE 200 Listening and Speaking French (1 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall and Spring.
FRE 200A Listening and Speaking French (1 credits)
FRE 200B Listening and Speaking French (1 credits)
FRE 200C Listening and Speaking French III (1 credits)
FRE 200D Listening and Speaking French IV (1 credits)
FRE 200E Listening and Speaking French (1 credits)
FRE 206 Contemporary French Novel (3 credits)
FRE 213 Advanced French Conversation (3 credits)
FRE 214 Advanced French Conversation and Composition (3 credits)
FRE 216 Introduction to French Literature (3 credits)
FRE 228 Strategies for Language Learning-French (3 credits)
FRE 229N Les Philosophies DU 18E Siecle (3 credits)
FRE 232 French Realism (3 credits)
FRE 250A Topics ( French Literature in Translation): Moliere and His Comedies (3 credits)
FRE 250B Contemporary Survey: Commercial Perspectives (3 credits)
FRE 250C Topic: 19th Century Novel (3 credits)
FRE 250D Topic: French Literature in Translation: French Culture in Translation (3 credits)
FRE 250E Topic: French Literature in Translation: Modern French Theatre (3 credits)
FRE 250F Topic-French Literature in Translation: French Satire (3 credits)
FRE 250G Topic in French Literature: Modern Novel and Theatre to 1945 (3 credits)
FRE 250H The Search for Truth in French Novel and Theatre 1945-Present (3 credits)
FRE 250I Topic: From French Literature in Translation: Moliere and His Comedies (3 credits)
FRE 250J 18th Century Literature: Age of Ideas/Philosophers (3 credits)
FRE 250K Topic in Translation: Love and Freedom in French Fiction (3 credits)
FRE 250L Topic: French Comic Theatre (3 credits)
FRE 250M Topics in French Literature: French Contemporary Literature (3 credits)
FRE 250N Topic: 20th Century Literature Since World War II (3 credits)
FRE 250R Topic in French Literature: Contemporary French Writers (3 credits)
FRE 250S Topic: From West Africa to the Caribbean (3 credits)
FRE 250T Topic: Women Authors in West Africa and Caribbean (3 credits)
FRE 251B Topics: Classical French Theatre (3 credits)
FRE 251C Topic: Writers from the French Enlightment (3 credits)
FRE 251D French Literature and Translation: The Short Story (3 credits)
FRE 251E Topic: Contemporary Man's Search for Meaning (3 credits)
FRE 251F Topic in Translation: Myth in French Theatre (3 credits)
FRE 251H Topic: The French Novel of the 19th Century (3 credits)
FRE 251J French Literature in Translation: Culture/Civil of France (3 credits)
FRE 251M Topic in French Literature: Commitment and Escapism (3 credits)
FRE 251N Topic in Translation: 18th Century Writer Shaped World (3 credits)
FRE 251R Topic in French Literature: Great Authors Through the Ages (3 credits)
FRE 251S Topic: French Women Writers (3 credits)
FRE 251T Topic: Realism, Naturalism, Mysticism-19th and 20th Century (3 credits)
FRE 280 Intensive Review of French (3 credits)
FRE 281 Intermediate French I (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: TBA.
FRE 282 Intermediate French II (3 credits)
FRE 283 Intermediate French Conversation (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: TBA.
FRE 284 Intermediate French Composition (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring. PLV: TBA.
FRE 299A Seminar: Translation Skill in French and English (3 credits)
FRE 301 French Conversation, Diction, and Phonetics (3 credits)
FRE 302 Advanced French Composition (3 credits)
FRE 303 Advanced Oral and Written Expression (3 credits)
FRE 303A Advanced French Conversation (3 credits)
FRE 304 Translation and Interpretation (3 credits)
FRE 305 Advanced French for Industry and the Professions I (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall - Odd years. PLV: Spring - Even years.
FRE 306 Advanced French for Industry and Professions II (3 credits)
Course Rotation: Spring - Even years.
FRE 310 French Culture and Civilization I (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall - Odd years. PLV: TBA.
FRE 311 French Culture and Civilization II (3 credits)
FRE 312 French Culture and Civilazation I (3 credits)
FRE 313 French Culture and Civilization II (3 credits)
FRE 313A Cultural Field Study to France (3 credits)
FRE 313B Cultural Field Study to Quebec (3 credits)
FRE 313C European Field Study: France and Germany (3 credits)
FRE 316 Masterpieces of French Literature I (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall - Even years and Spring - Odd years. PLV: TBA.
FRE 317 Masterpieces of French Literature II (3 credits)
FRE 319 Introduction to French Cinema (3 credits)
FRE 320 Medieval and Renaissance Literature (3 credits)
FRE 321 Contemporary Francophone Cultures and Literatures (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC; Spring
FRE 325 Classical French Theatre (3 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall - Odd years.
FRE 329 Les Philosophes Du 18E Siecle (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall.
FRE 330 French Romanticism, Realism and Naturalism (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall.
FRE 337 Contemporary French Literature I (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall.
FRE 338 Contemporary French Literature II (3 credits)
FRE 339 Women in France: 1789 to the Present (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Even Years
FRE 380A Seminar: Translating Skills in French and English (3 credits)
FRE 380B Seminar: The Francophone World: A MutliMedia Approach (3 credits)
FRE 380C Seminar: French Literature and Film (3 credits)
FRE 380D Topic: Dialogue, Diction, Drama: Seminar in Spoken French (3 credits)
FRE 380E Topic: French Theater of the 20th Century (3 credits)
FRE 380F Topic: The Written Word: Translation and Theme (3 credits)
FRE 390 Honors Project in French (1-6 credits)
FRE 395 Independent Study in French (1-9 credits)
FRE 395A Independent Study in French (A) (1-9 credits)
FRE 395B Indendent Study in French (B) (1-9 credits)
FRE 395C Independent Study in French (C) (1-9 credits)
FRE 480A French Civilization: Origins to the Existentialist (3 credits)
FRE 480B Seminar: Gender Issues and Roles for Francophone Contemporary Caribbean Women (3 credits)
FRE 480C Topic: Contemporary Francophone Literature (3 credits)
FRE 491 French Internship (3 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring, and Summer. Restrictions/Requirements: Permission of the department chairperson. Students must demonstrate an adequate level of language proficiency.