Group of students sitting around a table

Latina/Latino Studies (LLS)

LLS 100  Latina/o Communities  (3 credits)  

This course will introduce students to the field of Latina/o studies as well as provide different approaches to the study of Latinxs. Drawing on a variety of visual, literary, and historical sources, this course will provide a basis for students wishing to pursue more advanced courses in Latina/o studies and for those who want to gain a board understanding of Latina/o culture. Through the study of several topics, such as historical foundations, politics, race, art, culture, gender, and sexuality, we will explore in a variety of experiences that have forged Latina/o(s) and their identities, exploring at the same time their visibility, struggles, and importance in the United States.

Course Rotation: NY: Fall
LLS 240  Research and Analysis  (3 credits)  

This course explores a range of research methods pertaining to the investigation of the Latina/o/x experience. These research methods will expose students to the intellectual trajectory and research approaches of economics, cultural, political, and social questions and primary and secondary sources that drive interdisciplinary approaches to Latina/o/x Studies Research.

Course Rotation: NY: Fall
LLS 393  Internship in Latina/o Studies  (3 credits)  

A variety of internships with Latina/o/x organizations is available to qualified students. Students supplement the knowledge gained in the classroom setting by the “hands-on” experience in Latina/o communities.

Course Rotation: NY: Fall
LLS 400  Fieldwork Seminar  (3 credits)  

Students will engage in and practice the skills, methods, and awareness necessary for social change in the Latina/o/x communities. The course will focus on connections between student’s life experience, community institutions, and social justice issues in Latina/o/x communities. Freire’s problem-posing processes, cooperative learning, grant writing, and refection are used to deepen students understanding of Chicano/Latina communities, Course requires 20 hours of fieldwork in Latina/o/x communities.

Course Rotation: NY: Fall