Physics (PHY)

PHY 101  College Physics I  (0-4 credits)  
This is the first half of a two-semester sequence of algebra-based general physics The course is designed for students who need to take general physics but do not need a calculus-based course (PHY 111). It covers Newtonian mechanics, oscillations, and thermodynamics.
Course Rotation: NYC, Fall
Prerequisites: MAT 130 with a minimum grade of D
PHY 102  College Physics II  (0-4 credits)  
This is the first half of a two-semester sequence of calculus-based general physics. The course covers Newtonian mechanics, oscillations, and thermodynamics. The course is accompanied by a mandatory 1-hour recitation (PHY111R). This course fulfills the Lab Sciences requirement in the Core.This course fulfills the Lab Sciences requirement in the Core.
Course Rotation: NYC and PLV, Fall, Summer 1.
Prerequisites: PHY 101 with a minimum grade of C-
PHY 105  Circuit Theory and Electronics  (0-2 credits)  
PHY 106  Physics for Telecommunications  (4 credits)  
PHY 109  Digital Electronics Systems  (0-4 credits)  
An introduction to the logical principles and devices that make modern computers and other electronic systems possible. The course will cover switching devices, switching algebra, logic design, minimization techniques, reliability design, synchronous sequential circuits, and sequential machines. Laboratory exercises will supplement lecture material.
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 111  General Physics I  (0-4 credits)  
This is the first half of a two-semester sequence of calculus-based general physics. The course covers Newtonian mechanics, oscillations, and thermodynamics. The course is accompanied by a mandatory 1-hour recitation (PHY111R). This course fulfills the Lab Sciences requirement in the Core. This course fulfills the Lab Sciences requirement in the Core.
Course Rotation: NYC and PLV, Fall, Summer 1.
Prerequisites: MAT 131 with a minimum grade of C-
PHY 111A  General Physics I (Lecture)  (3 credits)  
Basic calculus-level course in physics treating mechanics and thermodynamics. Restrictions/Requirements: Open only to students enrolled at other colleges requiring lecture only. Consult the Physics department for registration procedure.
Prerequisites: MAT 131 with a minimum grade of C-
PHY 111B  General Physics I (Laboratory)  (1 credits)  
Prerequisites: MAT 131 with a minimum grade of C-
PHY 111D  Physics Discussion Group  (0 credits)  
PHY 111R  General Physics I Recitation  (0 credits)  
One-hour recitation course for students registered into PHY 111, General Physics I.
Course Rotation: NY and PL: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 112  General Physics II  (0-4 credits)  
This is the second half of a two-semester sequence of calculus-based general physics. The course covers electricity and magnetism, waves, and selected topics in optics and modern physics. The course is accompanied by a mandatory 1-hour recitation (PHY112R)
Course Rotation: NYC and PLV, Spring, Summer 2
Prerequisites: PHY 111 with a minimum grade of C-
PHY 112A  General Physics II (Lecture)  (3 credits)  
A continuation of Physics I including wave motion, electromagnetism, optics, and an introduction to modern physics. Laboratory illustrates the physical principles discussed. Restrictions/Requirements: Open only to students enrolled at other colleges requiring Lecture only. Consult the Physics department for registration procedure.
Prerequisites: PHY 111 or PHY 101 with a minimum grade of D MAT 132 with a minimum grade of D
PHY 112B  General Physics II (Laboratory)  (1 credits)  
Laboratory illustrates the physical principles discussed. Restrictions/Requirements: Open only to students enrolled at other colleges requiring Lab only. Consult the Physics department for registration procedure.
Prerequisites: PHY 111 or PHY 101 with a minimum grade of D MAT 132 with a minimum grade of D
PHY 112D  Physics II Discussion Group  (0 credits)  
This is a peer lead homework help group for students taking PHY 112.
Course Rotation: NY:PLV;Fall:Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 112R  General Physics II Recitation  (0 credits)  
This is the second half of a two-semester sequence of calculus-based general physics. The course covers electricity and magnetism, waves, and selected topics in optics and modern physics. One-hour recitation course for students registered into PHY 112, General Physics II.
Course Rotation: NY and PL: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 120  Physics of Movement  (0-3 credits)  
Dancers employ the rules of physics in movement; this course is designed to establish scientific connections for the dancer that will make learning physics applicable to their everyday activities in the studio. By combining the laws of physics with the beauty of dance students will achieve a complete understanding of the scientific attributes behind physical activity and movement giving them a unique insight that will prepare them as professional dancers, teachers, and artists.
Course Rotation: : Fall>
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 199M  Topics: Electrical Circuits II  (0-3 credits)  
PHY 199N  Topic: Technology  (3 credits)  
PHY 199S  Special Topics in Physics : Optics  (3 credits)  
PHY 200  Mechanics  (4 credits)  
PHY 201  Electrical Circuits  (0-3 credits)  
Elementary electrical concepts. Resistive networks-mesh and node analysis. Dependent sources. Network theorems. Energy storage elements. Simple RC and RL circuits. Sinusoidal excitation and phasors. Alternating current steady-state analysis and power. Polyphase circuits. Computer-aided solutions.
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 202  Electrical Circuits II  (0-3 credits)  
This course presents a study of A.C. circuits including power relationships in the A.C. steady state, polyphase circuits complex frequency, poles and zeros, resonance, two port networks, inductance and transformers and Fourier series.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 210  Analog/Digital Systems  (0-4 credits)  
This course begins with a comprehensive review of digital electronics. Basic analog devices are then introduced--the diode, bipolar transistor, and field effect transistor. Operational amplifiers are demonstrated--inverting, noninverting amplifiers, voltage followers, summers and subtractors, integrators and differentiators. Schmitt triggers and others. Amplifier circuits are analyzed. The use of transducers, basic energy conversion devices is explored. Lab exercises demonstrate lecture concepts.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 211A  Optics-Lecture Only  (3 credits)  
PHY 215  Thermodynamics and Quantum Theory  (0-4 credits)  
Topics include: laws of thermodynamics, concepts of entropy and free energy, thermodynamic properties of solutions, phase equilibria, electrolytic solutions, chemical equilibrium and kinetic theory of gases.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 215A  Topics: Thermodynamics and Quantum Theory-Lecture only  (3 credits)  
Topics include laws of thermodynamics, concepts of entropy and free energy, thermodynamic properties of solutions, phase equilibria, electrolytic solutions, chemical equilibrium and kinetic theory of gases.
Course Rotation: Fall;PLV
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 230  Microprocessor Electronics  (0-4 credits)  
PHY 231  Electromagnetism I  (0-4 credits)  
s: An intermediate course in electromagnetism. Starting with an overview of vector calculus the course discusses Poisson's and LaPlace's equations, D.C. currents and magnetic fields. Laboratory exercises exemplify principles discussed.
Course Rotation: NYC: TBA. PLV: Fall - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 232  Electromagnetism II  (3 credits)  
This course is a continuation of Electro-magnetism I. Starting with Maxwell's equations, the course discusses electromagnetic waves, boundary phenomena, transmission lines, waveguides and radiating systems.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 235  Mechanics  (4 credits)  
An intermediate-level course in mechanics including the kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, central forces, harmonic oscillations and an introduction to Lagrange's equations and Hamilton's principle.
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 296  Topics in Physics  (3 credits)  
This course will treat one or more topics which are not part of the standard course offerings of the department. With permission, it may be taken more than once for credit.
Course Rotation: TBA.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 296A  Topic: Material Science  (3 credits)  
PHY 296B  Topic: Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics  (0-4 credits)  
PHY 296C  Topic: Vector Analysis  (2 credits)  
PHY 296D  Topic in Physics: Special Relativity  (2 credits)  
PHY 296E  Topic: Analog/ Digital Systems  (0-4 credits)  
PHY 296F  Topic: Physics-Modern Physics  (3 credits)  
This course will cover the main features in the development of modern atomic and quantum physics. Topics taught will include the black body problem, the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom, wave-particle duality, Schroedinger’s equation, and special relativity.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 296G  Topics in Physics: Mathematical Physics  (3 credits)  
This is a course on mathematical methods designed for intermediate to advanced students of physics, chemistry, engineering, and mathematics. The course is particularly intended for those students with one year of calculus who wants to develop, in a short time, a basic competence in the above-mentioned fields. The topics include: Infinite series,Complex numbers, Linear equations and Matrices, Vector analysis, Fourier series, Partial differentiation and Partial Differential equations, Coordinate transformation and Tensor analysis, and Special functions.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 296H  Topic: Introduction to Special Relativity  (3 credits)  
An introductory course on the special theory of relativity. The topics include: Physical Basis for Special Relativity; Relativistic Kinematics ( Relativistic observers and reference frames, Lorentz Transformation, time dilation, length contraction and relativistic Doppler effect); Relativistic Dynamics ( relativistic mass and momentum, Newton's 2nn law of relativity and relativistic energy); Special Relativity and Theory of Electromagnetism (electric and magnetic fields and their relativistic transformation, relativistic current densities, and invariance of the Maxwell's equations).
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 298  Topics in Physics  (3 credits)  
PHY 311  Optics  (0-4 credits)  
A lecture and laboratory course in geometrical, physical and quantum optics. Topics will include refraction, reflection and absorption of light; interference; diffraction, polarization and scattering of light; compton scattering, optical spectra and resonance.
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 320  Biophysics  (3 credits)  
This course provides a link between physics and biology which is not currently present in the courses offered. This course will provide the basis to build a minor in Health Physics which is a subject of high demand in the health professions and will serve as an additional elective for Biology majors.
Course Rotation: NY: Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 321  Biomedical Physics  (3 credits)  
This is a one semester course providing instruction in medical physics. The aim of this course is to relate some of the concepts in physics to living systems. The concepts of physics will be applied to the human body and the applications of physics to biology and medicine will be explored. The syllabus covers topics of basic measurement and analysis techniques such as CT scan, endoscopy, MRI and fMRI imaging.
Course Rotation: FALL;NY
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 335  Quantum Mechanics  (4 credits)  
The course will review the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom, introduce the Schroedinger equation and apply it to the atomic systems. The methods of quantum mechanics will be demonstrated in one dimensional potentials and hydrogen-like systems. The interpretation of the mathematical formalism in terms of physical observables will be emphasized. The time-dependent Schroedinger equation and the Heisenberg matrix methods will be introduced.
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 352  Thermal Physics  (3 credits)  
The course presents entropy in classical thermodynamic systems undergoing thermal, mechanical, and chemical interactions. Engines and refrigerators are reviewed. Boltzmann and quantum statistical distributions are introduced and applied to ideal gasses, electron energies in solids, and black body radiation.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 361  The Solid State  (3 credits)  
PHY 363  Materials Science  (3 credits)  
A course in the physical and chemical science of modern materials - metals, semiconductors, ceramics, polymers, glasses, alloys, etc. Various bonding mechanisms and structures are studied as well as chemical, thermal, electrical and mechanical characteristics.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 373  Device Physics  (3 credits)  
This course offers a selection of advanced topics in quantum mechanics and its application to advanced materials. The quantum mechanics of electrons in electromagnetic fields, of molecules, and of radiation are introduced; followed by the quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and transport properties of semiconductors.
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 390  Physics Seminar I  (1 credits)  
Students will make presentations for group discussion on current advances and research in physics. Required of all physics majors in junior year. A full year course. Restrictions/Requirements: Junior standing or permission of Department Chair.
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 395  Independent Study in Physics  (1-9 credits)  
With the approval of the appropriate faculty member, the deapartment chairperson, and the academic dean, students may select a topic for guided research that is not included in the regular course offerings. The student meets regularly with the faculty member to review progress. A research project or paper must also be submitted.
Course Rotation: TBA.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 395A  Independent Study in Physics (A)  (1-9 credits)  
PHY 395B  Independent Study in Physics (B)  (1-9 credits)  
PHY 395C  Independent Study in Physics (C)  (1-9 credits)  
PHY 480  Research in Physics  (3 credits)  
Students will pursue after individual selection and invitation by faculty, supervised research projects in experimental or theoretical physics or astronomy. Each student will submit a written report and give an oral presentation of the research.
Course Rotation: TBA.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PHY 490  Physics Seinar II  (1 credits)  
Students will make presentations for group discussion on current advances and research in physics. Required of all physics majors in senior year. A full-year course.
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.