CS 113 Mathematical Structures for Computer Science (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall and Spring
CS 121 Introduction to Computer Science (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall & Spring
CS 122 Object-Oriented Programming (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall & Spring.
Prerequisites: CS 121 with minimum grade of C.
CS 232 Computer Organization (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall & Spring.
Prerequisites: CS 122 with minimum grade of C.
CS 241 Data Structures and Algorithms (4 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
CS 242 Algorithms and Computing Theory (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall & Spring.
Prerequisites: CS 241 with minimum grade of C.
CS 255 Game Development Patterns and Algorithms (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall
Prerequisites: CIS 151 with minimum grade of C.
CS 256 Game Design and Prototyping (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring
Prerequisites: CIS 151 with minimum grade of C.
CS 271 Fundamentals of UNIX and C Programming (2 credits)
Prerequisites: CS 122 with minimum grade of C.
CS 291 Professional Computing Seminar (1 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Spring
Prerequisites: CS 241 with minimum grade of C.
CS 312 Research Methods in Computers and Society (3 credits)
Prerequisites: CS 113 with minimum grade of C.
CS 321 Introduction to Game Programming (4 credits)
Course Rotation: PL and Online: Fall.
Prerequisites: CS 241 with minimum grade of C.
CS 324 Application Development with .NET and Web Services (4 credits)
Course Rotation: PL: Summer.
Prerequisites: CS 241 with minimum grade of C.
CS 325 Introduction to Data Mining (4 credits)
Prerequisites: CS 241 with minimum grade of C.
CS 326 Introduction to Computer Vision Pattern Recognition (4 credits)
Prerequisites: CS 241 with minimum grade of C.
CS 327 Introduction to Neural Networks (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring
CS 344 Web Computing (4 credits)
Course Rotation: PL: Summer.
Prerequisites: CS 122 with minimum grade of C.
CS 355 Advanced Topics in Game Development (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall
Prerequisites: CS 255 with minimum grade of C.
CS 356 Mobile Game Development and Publishing (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring
Prerequisites: CS 255 with minimum grade of C.
CS 357 Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Realtiy (VR), and the Metaverse (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring
Prerequisites: CIS 151 with minimum grade of C.
CS 359 Introduction to Human Computer Interaction (4 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring
Prerequisites: CS 122 with minimum grade of C.
CS 361 Programming Languages and Implementation (0-4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall. PLV: TBA.
Prerequisites: CS 242 with minimum grade of C.
CS 365 Product Development Course (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CS 371 Operating Systems and Architecture (0-4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall. PLV: TBA.
CS 374 Introduction to Mobile Application Development (4 credits)
Prerequisites: CS 122 with minimum grade of C.
CS 377 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall
CS 385 Artificial Intelligence I (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring. PLV: Fall - Even years.
Prerequisites: CS 242 with minimum grade of C.
CS 387 Database Design (4 credits)
Prerequisites: CS 242 with minimum grade of C.
CS 395 Data Science with Python and R (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring
CS 396A Topic: Computer Security (4 credits)
CS 397 Topics in Computer Science (0-4 credits)
CS 398D Special Topic: Mobile Web Development (4 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: CS 122 with minimum grade of C.
CS 410 Introduction to Parallel Computing (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall & Spring
CS 412 Concepts and Structures in Internet Computing (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NY, PLV; Fall \
Prerequisites: CS 122 with minimum grade of C.
CS 455 Game Engine Architecture (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall
CS 456 Game Development Capstone (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring
Prerequisites: CS 355 with minimum grade of C.
CS 472 Introduction to Deep Learning (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall & Spring
Prerequisites: CS 242 with minimum grade of C.
CS 488 Internet and Distributed Computing (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall & Spring
Prerequisites: CS 241 with minimum grade of C.
CS 489 Computational Economics Capstone (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall & Spring
CS 490 Independent Study in Computer Science (1-9 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CS 491 Software Engineering (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall & Spring
Prerequisites: CS 242 with minimum grade of C.