Criminal Justice (CRJ)

CRJ 121  Government Administration  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to familiarize the student with the roles, responsibilities and functions of the public service manager with emphasis on the special challenges and opportunities which the public sector environment poses. Students will learn the theoretical and practical components of planning, organizing, controlling and directing, as they relate to governmental and quasi-governmental organizations.
Course Rotation: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 147A  Introduction to Private Security  (3 credits)  
CRJ 150  Introduction to Criminal Justice  (3 credits)  
An introduction to the concepts of administration of criminal justice and crime prevention in the United States, involving basic principles of law, constitutional rights, criminal law and the role of the police, courts, corrections, probation, and parole within that system.
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 150C  Introduction to Criminal Justice (CAP)  (3 credits)  
CRJ 230  Resilience in the Corporate Sector  (3 credits)  
This course introduces the student to the world of Risk and Resilience. It will examine the theories of risk and discusses who is responsible for managing risk. We will take a deep dive into the private sectors’ response to risk. The private sector owns and operates 80% of the country’s critical infrastructure. Government both depends upon and partners with the private sector in defining, identifying and controlling risk.
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 235  Criminal Justice in the 21st Century  (3 credits)  
This course will provide knowledge and analysis of specific types of technology used in various subcomponents of the criminal justice system. The major topics of focus will include: technology infrastructure: what it is and how it’s changing; current overview of law enforcement technology; body- worn cameras: the new normal; examining perceptions of technology-enabled crimes; digital forensics; technological advancements in keeping victims safe; the evolution of offender electronic monitoring: from radio signals to satellite technology; technoprisons: technology and prisons; inside the Darknet: techno-crime and criminal opportunity; securing cyberspace in the 21st century; and assessing the deployment of automated license place recognition technology and strategies to improve public safety through the use of new technologies.
Course Rotation: Online: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 242  Crime and Public Policy  (3 credits)  
This course is a comprehensive examination of the causes of crime and its solutions. The first part of the course explores and critiques criminological theories from a variety of perspectives. In the latter part of the course, we study and critique a wide range of public policies designed to prevent and combat crime.
Course Rotation: Fall and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 243  Alcohol, Drugs and Crime  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to offer insight into society's reliance and dependence on alcohol and legal and illegal drugs. Discussions focus on the economic impact of substance use and abuse, and the history of various criminal justice responses in its "war on drugs." Emphasis will be placed upon the shifting focus for dealing with alcohol and drugs to non criminal justice disciplines.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall and Spring. PLV: Spring.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 245  Organized Crime  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to provide the student with a definition and examination of organized crime (both traditional and non-traditional groups). Subjects include the types of crimes engaged in by organized groups; its impact upon society; laws designed specifically to control organized crime; and law enforcement techniques used in combating criminal activity.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring. PLV: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 247  Introduction to Private Security  (3 credits)  
This course provides background of security, how to secure the exterior of a complex from intruders and eliminate theft, and examines the security function in business and industry as it relates to loss prevention. Discussions will also focus on the community policing strategy known as Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED).
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 249  Law and Society  (3 credits)  
s: Law and society refers broadly to an interdisciplinary approach to the study of law which examines law and legal institutions sociologically and through the lenses of various models of jurisprudence and legal reasoning. Now more than ever we must understand the ways in which law invades and impacts all aspects of our lives, examine the social-historical context of important legal decisions, and how political, economic, and social factors influence law. Law is also now the battle ground on which contemporary culture wars are fought, for example, gay marriage and the war on terror's infringement on civil liberties. We will ask how the law on the books compares with the law in action, applying a critical perspective to understand the relations between law and politics, the criminal justice system, the economy, stratification, culture, ideology, legal education, and social change. Topics we will cover include civil rights, the right to privacy, reproductive issues, sexuality, the civil liability explosion, the death penalty.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 250  Community Relations in the Criminal Justice System  (3 credits)  
Students will examine the complexity of human relations as it affects the interactions of the criminal justice system within the communities, including police, prosecution, defense, judges, and probation and parole. Civil rights and liberties, as well as discrimination and prejudice, will be examined as factors in a changing society.
Course Rotation: NYC Fall and Spring. PLV Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 251  Introduction to Corrections  (3 credits)  
This course serves as an introduction to the principles and practices of the treatment accorded to the incarcerated in various types of correctional institutions. Topics explored include basic organization of a department, such as custody, security, and control procedures, and elements of a treatment program. Students will learn about the philosophies of punishment, theories of criminal behavior, and the history behind our modern-day penal system. Students will discuss sentencing procedures, jails and detention facilities, state and federal prison systems, probation and parole, community corrections, as well as understand more about the individuals that are under correctional supervision. Students will also learn about employment opportunities in the field of corrections. The Spring offering of this course will satisfy a civic engagement requirement (formerly AOK1). In addition to coursework, students will engage in a service-learning project called Parenting, Prison & Pups (PPP), working collaboratively with the Westchester County Department of Correction (WCDOC), incarcerated men, and Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause. Students are required to complete 20 service hours outside of the classroom.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, PLV: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 252  Probation and Parole  (3 credits)  
A survey of origins, theories and practice involved in pre-sentence investigation and recommendations concerning convicted offenders. Supervision of non-institutionalized offenders, and pre-release investigation, counseling and supervision of those afforded early release from correctional facilities.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 255  Structure and Function of Police Organization  (3 credits)  
Analysis of the role of police in the criminal justice system and an examination of fundamental principles in organization and administration as they relate to departmental structure of a typical urban police agency.
Course Rotation: NYC Fall and Spring. PLV Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 261  Introduction to Criminal Investigation  (3 credits)  
An introduction to the techniques of investigation, theories of investigation, collection and preservation of evidence, utilization of laboratory analysis of evidence, interviews, admissions, confessions, and searches.
Course Rotation: TBA.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 275  Principals of Emergency Management  (3 credits)  
This course focuses on the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of the emergency management professions and the principles that define effective practice. The starting points are current definitions of emergency management, the missions and visions of the profession, and "The Principles of Emergency Management" developed by the Emergency Management Roundtable in 2007. The objective is to stimulate discussions of the core values that underlie emergency management practice and that essential element in emergency management professional education. Case studies, exercise, and discussions will be used to encourage critical review of the philosophy and principles of emergency management.
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 296  Topics in Criminal Justice  (3 credits)  
This course gives the students who have completed introductory courses an opportunity to examine special problems with topics of current interest in the Criminal Justice field, such as victimology, research prospecitives, and ethics in law enforcement.
Course Rotation: TBA.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 296B  Topic: Ethics and Law Enforcement  (3 credits)  
CRJ 296C  Topic: Homeland Security Strategies  (3 credits)  
This course is organized around an evolving narrative about what homeland security is/might be. Homeland security is an emerging academic discipline that focuses on a national effort to secure the nation. It requires critical thinking about and working to manage a collection of complex problems. Homeland security problems include intentional (war, terrorism, crime), natural (hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.), and accidental (industrial, transportation and other) events.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of C-.
CRJ 296D  Topic: Law and Society  (3 credits)  
CRJ 296E  Topic: Domestic Violence and Child Abuse  (3 credits)  
CRJ 296F  Topic: Local Law Enforcement Response to Terrorism  (3 credits)  
CRJ 296G  Topic: Geography of Crime  (3 credits)  
CRJ 296J  Topics in Criminal Justice: Travel Course  (3 credits)  
CRJ 296L  Topic: Measuring Police Performance - Compstat  (3 credits)  
CRJ 296M  Topic: Critical Criminology  (3 credits)  
CRJ 296P  Topic: Restorative Justice  (3 credits)  
This course will examine the historical development of this social justice movement including its roots in religious and faith communities and the cultures of many first-world peoples. The differences between mainstream criminal justice responses to crime and restorative justice approaches will be examined in depth. Students will also learn about specific restorative justice practices and programs currently in operation in the United States as well as around the world. Finally, students will consider the social, ethical, practical, and economic benefits of adopting restorative justice approaches as well as the drawbacks and challenges of doing so in our society.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 296R  Topic: Juvenile Justice  (3 credits)  
This course will analyze all aspects of the juvenile justice system and trace its history. Special attention will be paid to the due process revolution, the merits of diversion and community based alternatives to incarceration, the significance of adolescent developmental differences, and trying juveniles as adults.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 296S  Introduction to Security  (3 credits)  
CRJ 296T  Topic: The Criminal Justice System and the Victim  (3 credits)  
This course will examine the role of the victim in the criminal justice system, including their rights and what roles are appropriate for them in our system of justice. It will also address how legislatures and governmental agencies have, or have not addressed the needs of victims.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 296V  Topic: The Prisoner as Citizen: Civil Rights Behind Bars  (3 credits)  
The way a country treats its prisoners tells us a lot about that country and their commitment to protecting all citizens' civil rights and basic human rights. Reading will examine the dramatic historical evolution of the legal treatment of prisoner's in the US; how courts have applied the Bill of Rights on different issues central to prison life. Discussions will also focus on the treatment of political prisoners and prisoners around the world.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 296W  Image-Making in the Age of Terror: Exploring First and Fourth Amendment Rights  (3 credits)  
This class will explore the use of personal, commercial and governmental images- photographs, digital images, cell phone pictures, videos – from a legalistic perspective. We will examine both the ways in which images can be used to expose human rights violations (i.e. the photos of Abu Ghraib atrocities and war photography) and governmental surveillance of civilian populations. We will debase the justification and effectiveness of the government’s increased use of surveillance as a tactic in the war on terror and crime fighting. At the same time, we will explore how political activists and members of the indie media are increasingly turning their cameras and cell phones on the police at political rallies to protect against and/or document abuses of power. We will contrast the legal limitations placed on individual image makers (e.g. Ordinances requiring special permits for street photographers or people suspected of terrorism for taking pictures of landmarks) with the proliferation of surveillance cameras in both privates and public spaces. Given the widespread use of and increased public tolerance for governmental surveillance, we will also explore the true meaning of privacy in the U.S. and its implications. Finally, we will also explore the ways in which personal forms of image-making – especially through the use of the Internet – represents a democratization of the media and offer the possibility of “speaking truth” to governmental and corporate power.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 296X  Special Topic: Women and the Criminal Justice System  (3 credits)  
The course will examine the roles of women within the criminal justice system as offenders, victims/survivors, and criminal justice professionals. Criminological theories and patterns of criminal behavior will be explored
Course Rotation: Online: Summer
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 296Z  Research Perspectives in Criminal Justice  (3 credits)  
CRJ 297B  Topic: Social and Political Risks in Criminal Justice Agencies  (3 credits)  
Courses involving lectures, readings, and classroom discussion of selected topics in criminal justice that focuses specifically on the impact and challenges from social and political risks faced by criminal justice agencies. Students will examine assessment of risk with multiple types of criminal justice agencies: law enforcement, federal, community-based corrections, victim assistance agencies and reintegration resources for released offenders. Students will learn how to prepare assessment of risks but also conduct simulation presentations, Student will learn how to construct and write white papers, case studies and analysis and interpretation of collected data and how it impacts law, policy, and procedures within criminal justice system.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Odd Years
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 297C  Topic: Environmental Crime  (3 credits)  
This course considers the global problem of environmental crime, including definitions, causes, and extent, with a focus on solutions. We will examine theoretical orientations that explain the psychological, social, political, cultural, and economic forces that drive environmental crime as well as the legislation and legal frameworks that criminalize practices that harm the environment and their enforcement––or don’t. We will use case studies to critically analyze problems and enforcement methods and you will take direct action through a project centered on a topic of your choice. We will focus on a solutions-oriented approach, balancing the study of environmental crime and its challenges with action toward creating sustainable and restorative systems that benefit people, animals, and the earth itself. We will seek multiple solutions for these complex environmental challenges, and aim to build your capacity for critical thinking, writing, and advocating for change.
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Spring
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 297E  Topic: Federal Supervision of Gangs  (1 credits)  
This One Credit (1cr.) will give the student an overview of how gang members are managed and supervised in the community-based corrections system. Discussions will focus on rehabilitative techniques and reentry issues back into the community. An examination of prevalent gangs and challenges to probation and parole officers will be reviewed.
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: January Intersession
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 298  Contemporary Perspectives on Violence  (3 credits)  
Examines violence from a wide range of theoretical perspectives and the causes, consequences and solutions to various forms of violence.
Course Rotation: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 300  Homeland Security Strategies  (3 credits)  
This course examines the emerging homeland security framework. Homeland security is a way of thinking about and working to manage a collection of volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, problems. The homeland security mission is diverse and transcends jurisdictional and agency boundaries. Homeland security include intentional threats (terrorism, crime), natural threats (hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, storms), and accidental threats (industrial, transportation).
Course Rotation: Fall:Spring;NY:PLV
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 305  Criminal Law  (3 credits)  
History and development of common and statutory criminal law. Examination of proscribed behavior subject to penal sanctions; capacity, culpability and defenses. Classification of crimes and analysis of specific crimes. Study of constitutional limitations on legislative definition of criminal conduct and on police procedures.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 311  Controversial Criminal Cases  (3 credits)  
This course will explore several controversial criminal cases. The objective is to recreate, analyze, and hypothesize, based upon the information available. To be successful at this, students must be objective and review the facts critically.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 313  Victims of Crime  (3 credits)  
Most crimes involve a victim as well as an offender. This course provides an overview of victimization in America, the experience of victims in the aftermath of crime, and the response to victims by criminal justice and social service agencies. Course materials highlight victims of particular crimes such as domestic violence, stalking, elder abuse, homicide, financial crime, hate crime, and sexual assault. The course emphasizes analysis and discussion of what justice means from a victim’s perspective. It also includes significant active and collaborative learning opportunities, including fieldwork to determine useful ways for incarcerated people to provide indirect restitution to victims of crime.
Course Rotation: NY: Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 315  Research Perspectives in Criminal Justice  (3 credits)  
The course will help students to develop an understanding of research methods and will deal with such issues as: how to conduct research, theory development; causation and validity; concepts, operationalization, and measurement; experimental and quasi-experimental designs; data collection and sampling; questionnaire construction; and how to interpret data. Although, it will not be of central focus to this course, statistical strategies such as descriptive and inferential statistics (tests of statistical significance, etc.) will be presented and be essential to an understanding of the research process.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall. PLV: Spring.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 331  Strategies in Corrections Administration  (3 credits)  
The field of corrections has traditionally been characterized by an inward orientation, reflective of the prison community that it serves. This course will examine current strategies that deal with management and administration issues within the context of a more inclusive prison system. Attention will be focused on innovative developments in correctional institutions designed to revitalize the rehabilitative process.
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 342  Criminal Profiling  (3 credits)  
The Psychology of the offender, police stress, hostage negotiation, suicide, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, victim research, courtroom procedures, jury selection, psychological testing, and interviewing are topics included. Restrictions/Requirements: Junior Standing
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 346  Terrorism and Society  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to inform students of the terrorist net- work operating in our society today. This study will include information on who the terrorists are and how they are recruited. The course study will also include some of the psychological impulses that cause them to commit outrages and how they are funded.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall. PLV: Spring.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 346A  Terrorism and Society  (4 credits)  
This course is designed to inform students of the terrorist net-work operating in our society today. This study will include information on who the terrorists are and how they are recruited. The course study will also include some of the psychological impulses that cause them to commit outrages and how they are funded.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 351  Criminal Evidence and Procedure  (3 credits)  
Comprehensive analysis of rules of evidence, especially as treated under the Criminal Procedure Law of 1970. Subjects include real and circumstantial evidence, burden of proof, hearsay evidence, confessions, admissions, witnesses' identification, etc., as they relate to criminal cases.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall. PLV: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 391  Internship in Criminal Justice I  (3 credits)  
A supervised placement in a criminal justice agency of at least 120 hours each semester. Restrictions/Requirements:64 Undergraduate credits. Instructor approval required required before registration.
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 392  Internship in Criminal Justice II  (3 credits)  
A supervised placement in a criminal justice agency of at least 120 hours each semester. Restrictions/Requirements:64 Undergraduate credits. Permission of Advisor required before registration.
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 395  Independent Study in Criminal Justice  (1-9 credits)  
With the approval of the appropriate faculty member, the department chairperson, and the academic dean, students may select a topic for guided research that is not included in the regular course offerings. The student meets regularly with the faculty member to review progress. A research project or paper must also be submitted. Restrictions/Requirements: Junior standing and a minimum CQPA of 3.00.
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
CRJ 395A  Independent Study in Criminal Justice (A)  (1-9 credits)  
CRJ 395B  Independent Study in Crinimal Justice (B)  (1-9 credits)  
CRJ 395C  Independent Study in Criminal Justice (C)  (1-9 credits)  
CRJ 402  Constitutional Issues in Criminal Justice  (3 credits)  
This course is to familiarize the student with the Constitution, especially as it reflects the rights of the individual in the criminal justice system. Students will review both legal precedence and current cases of Constitutional interest.
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.
CRJ 412  Integrity Issues in the Criminal Justice System  (3 credits)  
The focus of this course is to provide the criminal justice student with a better understanding of the complicated integrity issues they will confront in the criminal justice system. The material to be presented begins with a philosophical discussion of morality, ethics, and human behavior. Crucial in assisting the student's future decision making process is that this course will provide a forum in which diverse ideas on concepts such as justice and the "right thing to do" in the context of corruption and other issues such as the use of force will be discussed. Course content will consist of readings related to integrity issues, as well as presentations of moral/ethical dilemmas for discussion and understanding through the use of case studies on corruption and brutality.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring. PLV: Fall.
Prerequisites: CRJ 150 with minimum grade of D.