ACC 040A CPA Review - Financial Accounting Reporting (0 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: ACC 302 with a minimum grade of D.
ACC 040B CPA Review - Auditing and Attestation (0 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: ACC 461 with a minimum grade of D.
ACC 060A CPA Review - Financial Accounting Reporting (0 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 618 with minimum grade of B.
ACC 060B CPA Review - Auditing and Attestation (0 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 632 with minimum grade of B.
ACC 100 Introduction to Accounting and Finance for non-Business Majors (3 credits)
ACC 103A Financial Accounting - Upward Bound Part I (2 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 103B Financial Accounting - Upward Bound Part II (2 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 203 Financial Accounting (4 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 204 Managerial Accounting (4 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 203 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 205 Preparatory Managerial Accounting (2 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 203 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 236 Internal Accounting Control (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 204 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 237 Operational Auditing (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 204 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 238 Internal Accounting (3 credits)
ACC 301 Intermediate Accounting I (4 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 204 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 302 Intermediate Accounting II (4 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 301 with a minimum grade of D.
ACC 305 Internal Auditing I (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 204 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 306 Internal Auditing II (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 305 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 307 Government and Nonprofit Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 204 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 309 Brokerage Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 204 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 319 Cost Accounting (4 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 204 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 333 Advanced Accounting (4 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 302 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 340 Internal and External Auditing (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 302 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 346 Advanced Problems in Managerial Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 319 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 347 Periodic Financial Reporting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 302 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 354 International Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 301 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 360 Financial Statement Analysis (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring - Odd years. PLV: TBA.
ACC 364 Accounting Data Analytics (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall, Spring, & Summer
Prerequisites: ACC 301 with a minimum grade of D.
ACC 366 Forensic Accounting (3 credits)
ACC 368 Enterprise Risk Management I (3 credits)
ACC 375 Accounting Information Systems (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 301 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 390 Honors Project in Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 394 Accounting Internship (0-6 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 301 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 395 Independent Study in Accounting (1-9 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 301 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 395A Independent Study in Accounting (A) (1-9 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 302 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 395B Independent Study in Accounting (B) (1-9 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 302 with a minimum grade of D.
ACC 395C Independent Study in Accounting (C) (1-9 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 302 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 396 Special Topic: International Accounting Field Study (1-3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 301 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 461 Auditing I (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 302 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 462 Auditing II (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC:TBA.
Prerequisites: ACC 461 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 463 Accounting Theory and Problems (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 302 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 464 Accounting Theory and Problems II (3 credits)
ACC 465 Audit and Control of Accounting Information Systems (2 credits)
ACC 467 Fundamentals of Information System Assurance and Advisory (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall, Spring, & Summer
Prerequisites: ACC 461 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 468 Fundamentals of Analytics for Fraud Detection and Risk Assessment (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall, Spring, & Summer
ACC 470 Accounting Research Project (3 credits)
ACC 495 Business Honors Program Senior Thesis in Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 333 with minimum grade of D.
ACC 600 Independent Study in Graduate Accounting (1-9 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 615 with a minimum grade of D.
ACC 613 Accounting for Planning and Control (4 credits)
Prerequisites: MBA 804 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 615 Financial Reporting I (3 credits)
Prerequisites: MBA 804 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 618 Financial Reporting II (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 615 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 620 Accounting Entities (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 615 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 632 Auditing (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 615 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 635 Advanced Auditing and Emerging Attestation (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 632 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 638 Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 632 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 632 may be taken at the same time.
ACC 639 Accounting Information Systems: Control and Audit (2 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 632 with minimum grade of B and
ACC 662 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 640 Advanced Financial Accounting Theory (3 credits)
ACC 645 Theory and Analysis of Financial Statements (3 credits)
Prerequisites: MBA 804 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 649 Contemporary Accounting Issues (3 credits)
ACC 650 Security and Exchange Commission Accounting Practice (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 618 with minimum grade of B.
ACC 654 Controllership (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 613 with minimum grade of C and
ACC 632 with minimum grade of B.
ACC 655 Accounting Internship (3 credits)
ACC 656 Management Auditing (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 613 with minimum grade of C and
ACC 632 with minimum grade of B.
ACC 661 Accounting Systems and Control Audit (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 662 Modeling of Accounting Information Systems (3 credits)
Prerequisites: MBA 804 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 663 Strategic Cost Systems (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 664 Advanced Auditing and Analytics (3 credits)
ACC 665 Information System Assurance and Advisory (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC & PLV: Fall, Spring, & Summer
ACC 675 International Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 615 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 681 Financial Reporting and Capital Markets (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 618 with minimum grade of B.
ACC 682 Analysis of Financial Statements (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 681 with minimum grade of B.
ACC 684 Strategic Cost Management and Technologies (3 credits)
ACC 685 Analytics for Fraud Detection and Risk Assessment (3 credits)
ACC 686 Behavioral Issues in Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 687A Special Topics in Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 632 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 692Q Research Project (3 credits)
Prerequisites: ACC 649 with minimum grade of C.
ACC 693Q M.S. Research Project (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 705 Management Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 725 Financial Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 740 Financial Accounting (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 742 Strategic Cost Analysis (1.5 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
ACC 760 Seminar in Accounting (1.5 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.