PSY 104A General Psychology I - Discovery Program (4 credits)
PSY 110P Introduction to Psychology I (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology II (3 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 111CH Introduction to Psychology II (CAP) - Learning Community (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 111CV Intro. to Psychlgy II (CAP) - Wonderwomen & Supermen:Sex, Gndr, Health & Behavior Learning Community (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 111M Introduction to Psychology - Learning Community (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 112 Introduction to Psychology (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NY and PL: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 112C Introduction to Psychology (CAP) (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NY and PL: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 196 Topics in Psychology (3-4 credits)
PSY 201 Psychology of Business and Industry (3-4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Spring, and Summer. PLV: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 202 Psychology of Violence (3 credits)
Course Rotation: : Summer
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 203 Psychology of Expressive Therapies: Healing Through Art, Music, Drama, Poetry and Dance (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 204 Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 205 Statistics in Psychology and Allied Fields (4 credits)
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 206 Psychology and Law (3 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall:Spring;NY:PLV
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 207 Intersectional Critical Liberation Psychology (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NY: Fall
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 208 Culture and Emotion in Health Psychology (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 209 Health Psychology (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NY and PL: Spring and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 210P Experimental Psychology II (4 credits)
PSY 211 Counseling for Veterans and Service Members (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 212 Sensation and Perception (3 credits)
PSY 214 Animal Psychology and the Human-Animal Bond (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 215 Psychology of Cultural Diversity (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 222 Psychology of the Exceptional Individual (3 credits)
PSY 224 Introduction to Clinical and Community Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 225 Parapsychology and the Occult (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring - Odd years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 227 Psychology of Women (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall. PLV: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 230 Personality and Social Psychology: Readings at the Leading Edge (3 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall:PLV
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 231 Psychology of Death and Dying (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 233 Psychology of Civic Engagement (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PL: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 234 Human Sexual Behavior (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 235 Community Psychology (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 240 Positive Psychology and Happiness (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PL: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 241 Psychology of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Summer. PLV: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 242 Under the Radar: Seldom Talked About Addictions (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PL: Spring and Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 243 Applied Social Psychology (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PL: Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 251 Non-Violent Communication (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV, Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 252 Altered States of Consciousness (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall - Even years.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 254 Human Relations (3 credits)
PSY 255 Psychological Strategies of Coping (3 credits)
PSY 256 Psychology of Personal Adjustment (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 256Q Psychology of Adjustment (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 256Y Psychology of Personal Adjustment (Online - Nactel) (4 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 257 Sports Psychology (3-4 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 258 Forensic Psychology (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV:Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 260 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (4 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 270 Psychology of Rehabilitation (3 credits)
PSY 271 Psychology of Morality (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NY:PLV;Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 276 The Psychology of Intimate Relation (3 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall;NYC:PLV
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 277 Evolutionary Psychology (4 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 112 can be taken at the same time
PSY 278 Environmental Psychology (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PL: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 290M Topic: Psychology of Sports (3 credits)
PSY 290S Contemporary Issues in Psychology: Drug Addiction (3 credits)
PSY 291B Topic: Psychological Aspects of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (3 credits)
PSY 291C Topic: Psychology of Leadership Supervising and Motivating Others (3 credits)
PSY 291D Topics in Psychology: Advanced Critical Thinking (3 credits)
PSY 291F Topic: Team Building, Negotiation, and Customer Satisfaction (3 credits)
PSY 291G Topic: Current Trends in Adolescent Development (3 credits)
PSY 291H Topic: Darwin - Living in the Entangled Bank (3 credits)
PSY 291M Special Topics: Negotiation and Conflict Management (3 credits)
PSY 291N Topic: Scientific Blunders - Explaining Human Nature (3 credits)
PSY 291P Topics: Psychology of Commitment (3 credits)
PSY 291Q Topic: Evaluating Human Computer Interface Design (3 credits)
PSY 291S Topics: Psychology and Law (3 credits)
PSY 291T Topic: The Emotions (3 credits)
PSY 296A Topic: Psychology of Ethnic Groups in the United States of America: The Latino Experience (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 296B Topic: Psychology of Peace and Conflict Resolution (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 296C Topic in Psychology: Introduction to Peace Studies (4 credits)
PSY 296E Topic: Psychology of Acting and Public Self-Presentation (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 296F Topic: Personality and Leadership (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 296J Topic: Pseudoscience and Critical Thinking in Psychology and Other Fields (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 296K Understanding a Globalized World (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 296L Special Topics: Psychology of Stress (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NY; Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 296M Topics: Psychology of Social Networking and Digital Media (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 296N Topic: Psych of Health, Well-Being, & Happiness: Biopsychosocial, Cultural & Spiritual Perspectives (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 296Z Topic: Children and Youth - A Global Perspective (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 297 Principles of Psychology As Depicted in Cinema (3-4 credits)
Course Rotation: NY and PL
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 298 Psychology of Stress (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC; Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 300 Special Topics in Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 300A Special Topic in Psychology: The Major Experience (1 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 300B Special Topic in Psychology: The Major Experience (2 credits)
PSY 300C Diversity Prosperity Resilience: A Psychological Perspective on the Interaction Between Mind & Body (4 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 300D Diversity Prosperity Resilience: A Psychological Perspective on the Interaction Between Mind & Body (4 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 302 Child Psychology (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall. PLV: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 303 Adolescent Psychology (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Summer.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 304 Social Psychology (4 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grades of D.
PSY 306 Psychological Testing (4 credits)
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 307 Psychology of Personality (3 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 112 can be taken at the same time
PSY 308 History of Psychology (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall. PLV: Spring.
PSY 309 Performance Psychology (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 311 Biological Psychology (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring. PLV: Fall.
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grades of D.
PSY 311P Physiological Psychology (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 313 Research Methodology (4 credits)
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 314 Psychology of Creative Thinking (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Spring.
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 315 Cognitive Psychology (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall and Spring.
PSY 317 Problem Solving & Critical Thinking In Psychology (3 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV: Fall.
PSY 318 Psychological Bases for Critical Thinking (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall.
PSY 319 Psychology of Adult Development (3 credits)
PSY 320 Abnormal Psychology I (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Spring, and Summer. PLV: Fall and Spring.
PSY 321 Abnormal Psychology II (3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall, Spring, and Summer. PLV: Spring - Even years.
PSY 323 Psychology of Learning (4 credits)
Course Rotation: PLV; Spring.
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 323Y Psychology of Learning (4 credits)
PSY 327 Mentored Lab Class Semester 1 (0-3 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 328 Mentored Lab Class Semester 2 (0-3 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall and Spring.
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 332 Group Relations and Interviewing Techniques (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NY:PLV;Fall:Spring
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 337 Introduction to Psychological Counseling (4 credits)
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Prerequisites: PSY 112 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 375 Lifespan Development Psychology (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC:PLV;FALL
PSY 380 Experimental Psychology I (0-4 credits)
Prerequisites: PSY 205 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 381 Experimental Psychology II (0-4 credits)
Prerequisites: PSY 380 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 381L Experimental Psychology Lab II (0 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC/PLV: Spring & Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 382 Experimental Psychology and Quantitative Methods (5 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 390 Honors Project in Psychology (3-6 credits)
PSY 391 Practicum in Psychology I (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall and Spring. PLV: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
PSY 392 Practicum in Psychology II (4 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall and Spring. PLV: Fall, Spring, and Summer.
PSY 393 Internship in Psychology (1-4 credits)
Course Rotation: NY,PLV; Fall,Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 395 Independent Study in Psychology (1-9 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 395A Independent Study in Psychology (A) (1-9 credits)
PSY 395B Independent Study in Psychology (B) (1-9 credits)
PSY 395C Independent Study in Psychology (C) (1-9 credits)
PSY 396 Special Topics in Psychology (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 396A Topic: Psychology of Leadership, Supervising, Motivating (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 396B Topic: Managing in the New World of Work (3 credits)
PSY 396C Topic: Human Nature - The View from Science (3 credits)
PSY 396D Topic: The Psychology of Communicating (3 credits)
PSY 396E Topic: Current Research in Child Development (3 credits)
PSY 396F Topic: Current Issues in Industrial / Organizational Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 396G Topic: Psychology of Influence (3 credits)
PSY 396H Topic: Psychopathology Goes to Movies (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 396I Topic: Relationship Skills for Partners and Parents (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 396L Topic: Childhood: A Work in Progress (3 credits)
PSY 396M Topic: Comprehensive Review of Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 396O Mentored Lab Class (0-3 credits)
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 396P Topic: Psychology of Music (3 credits)
PSY 396Q Topic: Computer Applications in Psychology and Human Relations (3 credits)
PSY 396R Topic: Psychology of Civic Engagements (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 396S Topic: Psychology of the Individual Officer (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 396T Topic: Child Psychopathology (3 credits)
Prerequisites: PSY 110 and
PSY 111 with minimum grades of D.
PSY 396U Topic: Cognitive Neuroscience (3 credits)
Prerequisites: PSY 111 with minimum grade of D.
PSY 396V Topic in Applied Psychology: Psychology in Context (3 credits)
PSY 396W Psychological Aspects of Business Management Development (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 396X Topic: Business Management Development: Formulating a Dynamic Career Life (3 credits)
PSY 396Y Topic: Positive Psychology and Happiness (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 396Z Topic: Sports Psychology (3-4 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 397A Topic: Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Theory, Intervention, and Observational Research (3 credits)
PSY 397B Exploring Psychological Issues after Trauma (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
PSY 499 Senior Year Experience in Human Relations and Psychology (3 credits)
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.