Group of students sitting around a table

Photography Minor - NYC

Campus: NYC

Minor Requirements

Required Courses
ART 153Introduction to Photography3
ART 160Digital Photography I3
ART 356Photography III: Experimental Photography3
Elective Courses
Select three of the following: 1,29
Art History: History of Photography
Photography II: Black and White
Shooting the Word: The Photographer's Eye. The Novelist's Vision
Documentary Photography
ICP: Daily Practice: The Photo Journal
International Center for Photography: Fashion Photography
International Center for Photography: Fundamentals of Studio Lighting
International Center for Photography: Portrait Photography
International Center for Photography: Portrait Photography
International Center for Photography: Alternative Process Photography
ICP: The Power of the Color Image: Exploring Color in and out of the Darkroom
ICP: Fine Art Digital Printing
Large Format Photography
Digital Photography 2
Total Credits18

In addition to ART courses listed below, available electives also include three credits of INT 196S Urban Social Photography (a 9 credit course) and any one to three Pace/ICP (International Center for Photography) courses.


Photography Internship (with approval) may also be used as an elective course. Please see advisor for this option.

ICY courses meet at the International Center of Photography, off campus.