Biology Major, BA

Campus: NYC, Westchester

Major Completion Summary

Requirement Credits
University Core Requirements 44-55
Major Requirements 35
Open Electives 16-41
Total Credits 120

University Core Requirements (44-55 Credits)

See complete University Core requirements.

Includes as foundational courses the following major-required courses:

Required Foundational Chemistry and Math Courses
CHE 111General Chemistry I4
Select one of the following:3-4
MAT 141Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences4

Major Requirements (35 Credits)

Biology Core Courses
BIO 101General Biology I4
BIO 102General Biology II4
BIO 210Ecology4
BIO 231Genetics4
BIO 327Cellular Biochemistry4
BIO 335Molecular and Cellular Biology4
BIO 335AMolecular and Cellular Biology (NYC students only)1
BIO 490Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences3
BIO 493Major Field Test in Biology0
Select one of the following:3
Independent Study in Biology
Research in Biology
Internship in Biology
Major Electives
Select nine credits of the following:9
Concepts of Environmental Science
Human Disease and Disorders
Urban Ecology
Plants and People
Fundamentals of Histology and Histopathology
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
Principles of Human Anatomy
The Neurobiology of Alzheimer's Disease
Topic: Medicinal Botany: Plants that Heal
Topics: Habitats of the Hudson Valley: Identification and Assessment
Tropical Ecosystem Assessment
Evolutionary Biology
Advanced Microbiology
Microbial Ecology
Developmental Biology
Animal Behavior
Behavioral Pharmacology
General Physiology
General Endocrinology
Introduction to Toxicology
Introduction to Basic Pharmacology
Advanced Cell Biology
Topics in Biology
Topic: Cancer Cell Biology
Special Topics in Biology: Mammalogy-Adaptation, Diversity and Ecology of Mammals
Major Required Chemistry Courses 2
CHE 112General Chemistry II4
CHE 223Organic Chemistry I4
CHE 224Organic Chemistry II4

Major-required Chemistry courses may be taken for University Core or Open Elective credit in consultation with academic advisor.

Open Electives (16-41 Credits)

Open Electives
Select 16-41 credits 116-41
Total Credits16-41

Includes major-required Chemistry courses not taken for core credit.

In addition to the courses listed below, students are required to complete two courses with the Anti-Racism Education attribute attached. These cour​ses may be taken during any semester of their education. See advisor for more information.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENG 110 Composition 3
BIO 101 General Biology I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) 4
CHE 111 General Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) 4
UNV 101 First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community 1
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
BIO 102 General Biology II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) 4
CHE 112 General Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) 4
CIS 101 Introduction to Computing (Required Lab/Discussion component carries zero credits) 3
ENG 120 Critical Writing 4
Second Year
BIO 231 Genetics (Required Lab component carries zero credits) 4
CHE 223 Organic Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) 4
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
Learning Community (LC) course 6
BIO 335
Molecular and Cellular Biology (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. In NYC, BIO 335 is a 5 credit course because BIO 335A is a co-requisite worth 1 credit; in PLV, BIO 335 is 4 credits)
or Molecular and Cellular Biology
ENG 201 Writing in the Disciplines 3
CHE 224 Organic Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) 4
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
Third Year
BIO 327 Cellular Biochemistry 4
BIO 210 Ecology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) 4
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines 3
Open Elective Course 3
BIO 490 Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. Required Lab component carries zero credits) 3
MAT 141 Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences 4
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
Open Elective Course 3
Second Language Course, if applicable 3
Fourth Year
One elective course in BIO 3
BIO 395
Independent Study in Biology
or Internship in Biology
or Major Field Test in Biology
COM 200 Public Speaking 3
BIO 493 Major Field Test in Biology 0
Open Elective Course 3
One elective course in BIO 3
One elective course in BIO 4
Open Elective Course 2
Civic Engagement (CE) course 3
 Total Credits118