Pharmaceutical Sciences, BS

Campus: Westchester

Pharmaceutical sciences is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field that aims to integrate fundamental principles of natural, physical and organic chemistry, biochemistry, and biology to understand how to synthesize de novo medicine and to its optimize delivery to human body and translate this integrated understanding into new and improved therapies against human disease. Pharmaceutical sciences is a liberal arts and science major, and thus should be clearly distinguished from Pharmacy in that the former prepares students to pursue postgraduate education if they wish to be a licensed practitioner. Pharmaceutical sciences can be broadly classified into the following main categories, with many specialized fields within each category, such as: Drug Discovery and Design, Drug Delivery, and Drug Action (Pharmaceutics & Pharmacology.) The BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences program (PHS) provides students with the background for further post-baccalaureate study as well as the ability to work as professionals in research and development laboratories in the fields of pharmaceutical science, which can involve routine or innovative work for drug testing and development. Pharmaceutical scientists can also work in production or quality control in a laboratory or production line, as well as assisting pharmacists, chemists, and engineers to put more efficient methods of production and testing into practice. In some cases, pharmaceutical scientists can work independently on more complex projects. The PHS degree can also provide students with the formal educational preparation to be successful in employment in sales and marketing sectors of the pharmaceutical industry, or to apply for medical or dental schools or health allied sciences degrees.

Requirement Credits
University Core Requirements 44-55
Major Requirements 64-65
Open Electives 1-5
Total Credits 120-124

University Core Requirements (44-55 Credits)

See complete University Core requirements.

Includes several of the major required Math, Biology and Physics courses listed in the Major Requirements.

Required Math and Science Courses
The following University Core courses satisfy several Math and Science foundation requirements of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Major, BS:
BIO 101General Biology I4
BIO 102General Biology II4
BIO 251Principles of Human Anatomy4
MAT 131Calculus I4
MAT 132Calculus II4
MAT 141Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences4
PHY 111General Physics I4
PHY 112General Physics II4

Major Requirements (64-65 credits)

Required Major Courses
CHE 111General Chemistry I4
CHE 112General Chemistry II4
CHE 223Organic Chemistry I4
CHE 224Organic Chemistry II4
CHE 300 Introduction to Physical Chemistry4
CHB 232Bioanalytical Chemistry and Instrumentation (or PLS 232)0-4
CHE 326Biochemistry4
or BIO 327 Cellular Biochemistry
PLS 200Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Sciences3
PLS 300Pharmaceutics3
PLS 310Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Regulations3
BIO 346Introduction to Basic Pharmacology3
BIO 334General Physiology4
BIO 335Molecular and Cellular Biology4
PLS 480Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences3
PLS 392Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar I1
PLS 492Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar II1
Major Electives
BIO 264Microbiology4
BIO 359Immunology4
BIO 325Neurobiology3
BIO 231Genetics4
CHE 331Instrumental Analysis4
CHE 370Advanced Biophysical Chemistry: Membrane Transport and Ionic Channels3
BIO 232Developmental Biology4
CHE 221Analytical Methods and Techniques3
Total Credits3-4

Take credit-bearing lecture and its 0-credit lab in the same semester.


Reduced credits (effective from Spring, 2025) shown.

Open Electives

UNV 101First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community1
Total Credits1-5

Select 1-5 credits, including UNV 101 First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community and Major-required Biology, Math, and Physics courses not taken for University Core credit.


Take credit-bearing lecture an 0-credit lab in the same semester.


In-depth sequence.

In addition to the courses listed below, students are required to complete two courses with the Anti-Racism Education attribute attached. These courses may be taken during any semester of their education. See advisor for more information.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENG 110 Composition 3
CHE 111 General Chemistry I 4
BIO 101 General Biology I 4
MAT 131 Calculus I 4
UNV 101 First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community 1
ENG 120 Critical Writing 4
CHE 112 General Chemistry II 4
BIO 102 General Biology II 4
MAT 132 Calculus II 4
Second Year
CHE 223 Organic Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) 4
BIO 251 Principles of Human Anatomy 4
BIO 231 Genetics 4
Second Language I 3
BIO 335 Molecular and Cellular Biology 4
CHE 224 Organic Chemistry II 4
MAT 141 Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences 4
Second Language II 3
Third Year
PHY 111 General Physics I 4
CHE 300 Introduction to Physical Chemistry 4
CHE 326
or Cellular Biochemistry
ENG 201 Writing in the Disciplines 3
PHY 112 General Physics II 4
PLS 200 Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3
BIO 334 General Physiology 4
COM 200 Public Speaking 3
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
Fourth Year
CHB 232 Bioanalytical Chemistry and Instrumentation (or PLS 232) 0-4
PLS 300 Pharmaceutics 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computing 3
PLS 392 Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar I 1
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
PLS 310 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Regulations 3
BIO 346 Introduction to Basic Pharmacology 3
PLS 480 Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 3
PLS 492 Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar II 1
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
 Total Credits120-124

Reduced credits (effective from Spring 2025) shown


Students must take one Civic Engagement (CE) course. Many AoK II-V courses also counts as CE.


Take the lecture and its corresponding lab in the same semester.