Campus: NYC, Westchester
Requirement | Credits |
University Core Requirements | 44-55 |
Major Requirements | 42-47 |
Open Electives | 9-23 |
Total Credits | 120 |
See complete University Core requirements.
Note: Various major-required math and science courses listed below may fulfill foundation, area of knowledge, and/or core requirements. Please consult with an academic advisor.
Code | Title | Credits |
Biology Core Courses | ||
BIO 101 | General Biology I | 4 |
BIO 102 | General Biology II | 4 |
BIO 210 | Ecology | 4 |
BIO 231 | Genetics | 4 |
BIO 327 | Cellular Biochemistry | 4 |
BIO 335 | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 4 |
BIO 335A | Molecular and Cellular Biology (NYC students only) | 1 |
BIO 490 | Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences | 3 |
BIO 493 | Major Field Test in Biology | 0 |
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
Independent Study in Biology | ||
Research in Biology | ||
Internship in Biology | ||
Biology Electives | ||
Select one course from each of the following category groups: | 9-12 | |
Molecular and Cellular Biology Category | ||
Human Disease and Disorders | ||
Plants and People | ||
Microbiology | ||
Advanced Microbiology | ||
Developmental Biology | ||
Neurobiology | ||
Behavioral Pharmacology | ||
Introduction to Basic Pharmacology | ||
Advanced Cell Biology | ||
Topic: Cancer Cell Biology | ||
Organismal Biology Category | ||
Human Disease and Disorders | ||
Botany | ||
Plants and People | ||
Fundamentals of Histology and Histopathology | ||
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy | ||
Principles of Human Anatomy | ||
Microbiology | ||
Topic: Medicinal Botany: Plants that Heal | ||
Developmental Biology | ||
Behavioral Pharmacology | ||
General Physiology | ||
General Endocrinology | ||
Immunology | ||
Special Topics in Biology: Mammalogy-Adaptation, Diversity and Ecology of Mammals | ||
Biological Systems and Ecology Category | ||
Concepts of Environmental Science | ||
Urban Ecology | ||
Botany | ||
Evolutionary Biology | ||
Microbial Ecology | ||
Animal Behavior | ||
Introduction to Toxicology | ||
Special Topics in Biology: Mammalogy-Adaptation, Diversity and Ecology of Mammals | ||
Other Required Biology Electives | ||
Select two additional courses from the three preceding groups. At least one of the two courses must be lecture/laboratory course of 4 credits. | 7-8 | |
Required Math and Science Courses 3, 4 | ||
General Chemistry I | ||
General Chemistry II | ||
Organic Chemistry I | ||
Organic Chemistry II | ||
Calculus I | ||
Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences | ||
PHY Requirement Either Group A or Group B | ||
Group A | ||
College Physics I (Or PHY 101A and PHY 111B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | ||
College Physics II (Or PHY 102A and PHY 112B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | ||
Group B | ||
General Physics I (Or PHY 111A and PHY 111B and PHY 111R. Requires lecture, lab, and recitation.) | ||
General Physics II (Or PHY 112A and PHY 112B and PHY 112R. Requires lecture, lab, and recitation.) |
Students may fulfill some requirements within their core or open electives.
Students should consult with faculty advisor on which physics sequence is most appropriate.
Code | Title | Credits |
Open Electives | ||
Select 9-23 credits 1 | 9-23 | |
Total Credits | 9-23 |
Open Elective credits must include required science and math courses not taken for University Core credit, UNV 101 First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community (required of incoming freshmen students), and remaining open electives.
In addition to the courses listed below, students are required to complete two courses with the Anti-Racism Education attribute attached. These courses may be taken during any semester of their education. See advisor for more information.
First Year | ||
Fall | Credits | |
BIO 101 | General Biology I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 111 | General Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 103 or MAT 130 |
Algebra (Or MAT 131) or Precalculus |
3 |
UNV 101 | First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community (STEM Major section) | 1 |
Credits | 12 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 102 | General Biology II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 112 | General Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 130 or MAT 131 |
Precalculus (Or CIS 101) or Calculus I |
4 |
ENG 120 | Critical Writing | 4 |
Credits | 16 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 231 | Genetics (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 223 | Organic Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
One Learning Community (LC) course | 3 | |
One Learning Community (LC) course | 3 | |
Credits | 17 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 335 | Molecular and Cellular Biology (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. In NYC, take BIO 335 and BIO 335A for 5 credits; in PLV, BIO 335 for 4 credits) | 4 |
CHE 224 | Organic Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CIS 101 | Introduction to Computing (or Any one remaining Area of Knowledge course. Required Lab carries zero credits) | 3 |
ENG 201 | Writing in the Disciplines | 3 |
Credits | 14 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 327 | Cellular Biochemistry | 4 |
BIO 210 | Ecology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
PHY 101 | College Physics I (Or PHY 101A and PHY 111B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
One elective course in BIO | 3 | |
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines | 3 | |
Credits | 18 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 490 | Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences (Writing Intensive (WE) course. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 3 |
MAT 141 | Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences (Counts toward Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
PHY 102 | College Physics II (Or PHY 102A and PHY 112B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
One elective course in BIO | 3 | |
Second Language Course, if applicable | 3 | |
Credits | 17 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 395 |
Independent Study in Biology or Research in Biology or Internship in Biology |
3 |
COM 200 | Public Speaking | 3 |
BIO 493 | Major Field Test in Biology (NYC students must take this course in their FINAL semester, usually the Spring) | 0 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
One elective course in BIO | 4 | |
Credits | 13 | |
Spring | ||
One elective course in BIO | 4 | |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Civic Engagement (CE) course | 3 | |
One elective course in BIO | 4 | |
Credits | 14 | |
Total Credits | 121 |
In addition to the courses listed below, students are required to complete two courses with the Anti-Racism Education attribute attached. These courses may be taken during any semester of their education. See advisor for more information.
First Year | ||
Fall | Credits | |
BIO 101 | General Biology I (Writing Enhanced (WE). Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 111 | General Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 103 |
Algebra or Precalculus or Calculus I |
3-4 |
UNV 101 | First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community (STEM Major section) | 1 |
Credits | 12-13 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 102 | General Biology II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 112 | General Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 130 or MAT 131 |
Precalculus or Calculus I |
4 |
ENG 120 | Critical Writing | 4 |
Credits | 16 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 231 | Genetics (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 223 | Organic Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
One Learning Community (LC) course | 3 | |
One Learning Community (LC) course | 3 | |
Credits | 14 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 335 | Molecular and Cellular Biology (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. In NYC, take BIO 335 and BIO 335A for 5 credits; in PLV, BIO 335 for 4 credits) | 4 |
CHE 224 | Organic Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CIS 101 | Introduction to Computing (or Any one remaining Area of Knowledge course. Required Lab carries zero credits) | 3 |
ENG 201 | Writing in the Disciplines | 3 |
Credits | 14 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 327 | Cellular Biochemistry | 4 |
BIO 210 | Ecology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
PHY 101 | College Physics I (Or PHY 101A and PHY 111B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
MAT 141 | Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences (Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines | 3 | |
Credits | 19 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 490 | Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences (Writing Intensive (WE) course. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 3 |
PHY 102 | College Physics II (Or PHY 102A and PHY 112B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Second Language Course, if applicable | 3 | |
Credits | 16 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 493 | Major Field Test in Biology | 0 |
COM 200 | Public Speaking | 3 |
BMB 629 | Molecular Biochemistry | 4 |
BIO 480 | Research in Biology (BIO 395 and BIO 491 cannot substitute for BIO 480 in this track) | 3 |
BMB 626 | Cellular Biochemistry and Advanced Molecular Biology | 4 |
BMB 610 | Seminar | 1 |
Credits | 15 | |
Spring | ||
Civic Engagement (CE) course | 3 | |
One elective course in BIO | 4 | |
BMB 640 | Physical Biochemistry | 4 |
BMB 710 | Research I | 4 |
Credits | 15 | |
Total Credits | 121-122 |
In addition to the courses listed below, students are required to complete two courses with the Anti-Racism Education attribute attached. These courses may be taken during any semester of their education. See advisor for more information.
First Year | ||
Fall | Credits | |
BIO 101 | General Biology I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 111 | General Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 103 |
Algebra or Precalculus or Calculus I |
3-4 |
UNV 101 | First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community | 1 |
Credits | 12-13 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 102 | General Biology II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 112 | General Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 130 or MAT 131 |
Precalculus or Calculus I |
4 |
ENG 120 | Critical Writing | 4 |
Credits | 16 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 231 | Genetics (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
PHY 101 | College Physics I (Or PHY 101A and PHY 111B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
CHE 223 | Organic Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
Two Learning Community (LC) courses | 6 | |
Credits | 18 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 335 | Molecular and Cellular Biology (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. In NYC, take BIO 335 and BIO 335A for 5 credits; in PLV, BIO 335 for 4 credits) | 4 |
CHE 224 | Organic Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
PHY 102 | College Physics II (Or PHY 102A and PHY 112B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
ENG 201 | Writing in the Disciplines | 3 |
Credits | 15 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 210 | Ecology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 327 | Cellular Biochemistry | 4 |
BIO 251 | Principles of Human Anatomy | 4 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course or CIS 101 | 3 | |
Credits | 15 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 264 | Microbiology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 334 | General Physiology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 490 | Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 3 |
MAT 141 | Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences | 4 |
Credits | 15 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
One elective course in subject BIO | 4 | |
BIO 493 | Major Field Test in Biology (NYC students must take this course in their FINAL semester, usually the Spring) | 0 |
BIO 395 |
Independent Study in Biology or Research in Biology or Internship in Biology |
3 |
PSY 112 | Introduction to Psychology (Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
COM 200 | Public Speaking | 3 |
Credits | 14 | |
Spring | ||
One elective course in subject BIO | 4 | |
One Civic Engagement (CE) course | 3 | |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Credits | 13 | |
Total Credits | 118-119 |
In addition to the courses listed below, students are required to complete two courses with the Anti-Racism Education attribute attached. These courses may be taken during any semester of their education. See advisor for more information.
First Year | ||
Fall | Credits | |
ENG 110 | Composition | 3 |
BIO 101 | General Biology I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 111 | General Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 103 |
Algebra or Precalculus or Calculus I |
3-4 |
UNV 101 | First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community | 1 |
Credits | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 102 | General Biology II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 112 | General Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 130 |
Precalculus or Calculus I or Introduction to Computing |
4 |
ENG 120 | Critical Writing | 4 |
PSY 112 | Introduction to Psychology (Counts toward Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
Credits | 20 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 231 | Genetics (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
PHY 101 | College Physics I (Or PHY 101A and PHY 111B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
One Learning Community (LC) course with COM 200 | 3 | |
COM 200 | Public Speaking (Learning Community (LC) ) | 3 |
PSY 320 | Abnormal Psychology I | 3 |
Credits | 17 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 335 | Molecular and Cellular Biology (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. In NYC, take BIO 335 and BIO 335A for 5 credits; in PLV, BIO 335 for 4 credits) | 4 |
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines. Or CIS 101 | 3 | |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
PHY 102 | College Physics II (Or PHY 102A and PHY 112B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
ENG 201 | Writing in the Disciplines | 3 |
Credits | 17 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 210 | Ecology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 251 | Principles of Human Anatomy (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 327 | Cellular Biochemistry | 4 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course and Civic Engagement (CE) course | 3 | |
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines, or Second Language Course if needed | 3 | |
Credits | 18 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 334 | General Physiology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 490 | Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 3 |
MAT 141 | Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences (Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
BIO 493 | Major Field Test in Biology | 0 |
BIO 395 |
Independent Study in Biology (Paired with Area of Knowledge course) or Research in Biology or Internship in Biology |
3 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Credits | 17 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
CHE 223 | Organic Chemistry I (In the summer. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 224 | Organic Chemistry II (In the summer. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines, in the summer, if needed | 3 | |
Second Language Course, if applicable, in the summer, if needed | 3 | |
Fall semester at Columbia University | 14 | |
Credits | 28 | |
Total Credits | 132-133 |
In addition to the courses listed below, students are required to complete two courses with the Anti-Racism Education attribute attached. These courses may be taken during any semester of their education. See advisor for more information.
First Year | ||
Fall | Credits | |
ENG 110 | Composition | 3 |
BIO 101 | General Biology I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 111 | General Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 103 |
Algebra or Algebra or Precalculus or Calculus I |
3-4 |
UNV 101 | First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community | 1 |
Credits | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 102 | General Biology II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 112 | General Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 130 |
Precalculus or Calculus I or Introduction to Computing |
4 |
ENG 120 | Critical Writing | 4 |
PSY 112 | Introduction to Psychology (Counts toward Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
Credits | 20 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 231 | Genetics (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 141 | Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences (Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
PHY 101 | College Physics I (Or PHY 101A and PHY 111B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
COM 200 | Public Speaking | 3 |
One Learning Community (LC) course with COM 200 | 3 | |
Credits | 18 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 335 | Molecular and Cellular Biology (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. In NYC, take BIO 335 and BIO 335A for 5 credits; in PLV, BIO 335 for 4 credits) | 4 |
CIS 101 | Introduction to Computing (Or First Language Course. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 3 |
PHY 102 | College Physics II (Or PHY 102A and PHY 112B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
ENG 201 | Writing in the Disciplines | 3 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Credits | 17 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 327 | Cellular Biochemistry | 4 |
BIO 210 | Ecology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 251 | Principles of Human Anatomy (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines, or Second Language Course | 3 | |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course and Civic Engagement (CE) course | 3 | |
Credits | 18 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 490 | Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences (Writing Enhanced (WE). Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 3 |
BIO 264 | Microbiology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 493 | Major Field Test in Biology | 0 |
BIO 334 | General Physiology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 395 |
Independent Study in Biology or Research in Biology or Internship in Biology |
3 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course (Paired with BIO 395, BIO 480, or BIO 491) | 3 | |
Credits | 17 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
CHE 223 | Organic Chemistry I (In the summer. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 223 | Organic Chemistry I (In the summer. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines, or Second Language course (In the summer, if needed) | ||
Fall credits at Albany College of Pharmacy | 21 | |
Credits | 29 | |
Total Credits | 134-135 |
In addition to the courses listed below, students are required to complete two courses with the Anti-Racism Education attribute attached. These courses may be taken during any semester of their education. See advisor for more information.
First Year | ||
Fall | Credits | |
ENG 110 | Composition | 3 |
BIO 101 | General Biology I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 111 | General Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 103 |
Algebra or Precalculus or Calculus I |
3-4 |
UNV 101 | First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community ((STEM Major section)) | 1 |
Credits | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 102 | General Biology II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 112 | General Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 130 |
Precalculus or Calculus I or Introduction to Computing |
4 |
ENG 120 | Critical Writing | 4 |
PSY 112 | Introduction to Psychology (Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
Credits | 20 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 231 | Genetics (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
PHY 101 | College Physics I (Or PHY 101A and PHY 111B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
COM 200 | Public Speaking (Learning Community (LC)) | 3 |
One Learning Community (LC) course (with COM 200) | 3 | |
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines | 3 | |
Credits | 17 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 335 | Molecular and Cellular Biology (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. In NYC, take BIO 335 and BIO 335A for 5 credits; in PLV, BIO 335 for 4 credits) | 4 |
PHY 102 | College Physics II (Or PHY 102A and PHY 112B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
ENG 201 | Writing in the Disciplines | 3 |
Second Language Course, if applicable | 3 | |
CIS 101 | Introduction to Computing (If needed) | 3 |
Credits | 17 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 210 | Ecology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 251 | Principles of Human Anatomy (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 327 | Cellular Biochemistry | 4 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge and Civic Engagement (CE) course | 3 | |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Credits | 18 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 490 | Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 3 |
MAT 141 | Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences (Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
BIO 493 | Major Field Test in Biology | 0 |
BIO 334 | General Physiology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 395 |
Independent Study in Biology or Research in Biology or Internship in Biology |
3 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Credits | 17 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
CHE 223 | Organic Chemistry I (In the summer. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 224 | Organic Chemistry II (In the summer. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
Fall credits at NY College of Podiatry | 19 | |
Credits | 27 | |
Total Credits | 131-132 |
In addition to the courses listed below, students are required to complete two courses with the Anti-Racism Education attribute attached. These courses may be taken during any semester of their education. See advisor for more information.
First Year | ||
Fall | Credits | |
ENG 110 | Composition | 3 |
BIO 101 | General Biology I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 111 | General Chemistry I (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 103 |
Algebra or Precalculus or Calculus I |
3-4 |
UNV 101 | First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community ((STEM Major section)) | 1 |
Credits | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 102 | General Biology II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 112 | General Chemistry II (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
MAT 130 |
Precalculus or Calculus I or Introduction to Computing |
4 |
ENG 120 | Critical Writing | 4 |
PSY 112 | Introduction to Psychology (Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
Credits | 20 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 231 | Genetics (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
PHY 101 | College Physics I (Or PHY 101A and PHY 111B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
MAT 141 | Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences (Analysis of Human, Social, and Natural Phenomena (AOK5)) | 4 |
COM 200 | Public Speaking ((Learning Community (LC) course) | 3 |
One Learning Community (LC) course | 3 | |
Credits | 18 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 335 | Molecular and Cellular Biology (Writing Enhanced (WE) course. In NYC, take BIO 335 and BIO 335A for 5 credits; in PLV, BIO 335 for 4 credits) | 4 |
CIS 101 | Introduction to Computing (Or First Language course. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 3 |
PHY 102 | College Physics II (Or PHY 102A and PHY 112B. Requires both lecture and lab.) | 4 |
ENG 201 | Writing in the Disciplines | 3-4 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Credits | 17-18 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
BIO 210 | Ecology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 251 | Principles of Human Anatomy (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 327 | Cellular Biochemistry | 4 |
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines, or Second Language Course | 3 | |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge and Civic Engagement (CE) course | ||
Credits | 15 | |
Spring | ||
BIO 490 | Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 3 |
BIO 264 | Microbiology (Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
BIO 493 | Major Field Test in Biology | 0 |
BIO 334 | General Physiology | 4 |
BIO 395 |
Independent Study in Biology or Research in Biology or Internship in Biology |
3 |
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course | 3 | |
Credits | 17 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
CHE 223 | Organic Chemistry I (In the summer. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
CHE 224 | Organic Chemistry II (In the summer. Required Lab component carries zero credits) | 4 |
First and Second Language courses in the summer, if needed | ||
Fall credits at SUNY College of Optometry | 21 | |
Credits | 29 | |
Total Credits | 131-133 |
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