Biology and Occupational Therapy, BA/MS

Students complete the BA in Biology as well as the MS in Occupational Therapy (MSOT) in 5.5 years, which saves a full year of tuition. The combined degree program provides students with the knowledge and skills required for an exceptional career in occupational therapy, while also providing them with a BA in Biology. The MSOT courses are only offered in PLV.

Students are encouraged to declare interest in the combined degree program as early as freshman year to ensure proper course sequencing, preferably before the end of their freshman year, but no later than Fall of their Junior (3rd) year in the BA Biology program  - the year in which they are eligible to apply for admission into the combined degree program.  Applicants must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or greater and be granted acceptance into the program by the MSOT admissions committee.  

In their Senior (4th) year, students begin to take MSOT courses, of which 14-25 credits will be counted both towards the MSOT degree and towards their undergraduate degree, which is how the combined degree accelerates graduation.  In their 5th and 6th year, students take the remaining MSOT courses. Summer MSOT courses are required after completion of the 5th and 6th years of study.  

Students who do not proceed to complete the MSOT program would still be able to graduate with an undergraduate degree, provided they have taken specific research courses in Biology or OTH, or a combination of undergraduate electives and Masters OTH courses that would satisfy the undergraduate degree requirements in terms of completed electives and the required 120 credits. To receive the undergraduate degree, students are also required to pass a comprehensive examination, the Major Field Tests in Biology, that assesses the ability to integrate and synthesize basic concepts in Biology. To take the required exam, students must also register for BIO493.

Major Completion Summary 
Requirement Credits
University Core 44
Major and MSOT Requirements 57-69
Open Elective 1
Additional Graduate Courses for MS Degree 45-56
Total Credits 165
University Core Requirements (44 Credits)

See complete University Core requirements.

Note: Various major-required math and science courses, and courses required for MSOT admission (such as ANT101, SOC102, and PSY112), listed below may fulfill foundation, area of knowledge, and/or core requirements.  Please consult with an academic advisor.

Major Requirements (57-69 Credits)
Biology Requirements
BIO 101General Biology I4
BIO 102General Biology II4
BIO 210Ecology4
BIO 231Genetics4
BIO 251Principles of Human Anatomy4
BIO 327Cellular Biochemistry4
BIO 334General Physiology4
BIO 335Molecular and Cellular Biology (4 credits in PLV, 5 credits in NYC; NYC students must simultaneously take BIO335A.)0-4
BIO 493Major Field Test in Biology0
Additional Courses Required for MSOT Admission
ANT 101Introduction to Anthropology
or SOC 102 Introduction to Sociology
PHY 101College Physics I (Or PHY 101A and PHY 111B. Or PHY 111A, PHY 111B, and PHY 111R. Requires both lecture and lab.)4
or PHY 111 General Physics I
PSY 112Introduction to Psychology
PSY 320Abnormal Psychology I3
PSY 375Lifespan Development Psychology4
Required Math and Science Courses
CHE 111General Chemistry I
CHE 112General Chemistry II
CHE 223Organic Chemistry I
CHE 224Organic Chemistry II
MAT 141Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences
MSOT Courses Applied Towards the BS degree
OTH 510Applied Neuroscience for Occupational Therapy3
OTH 535Clinical Reasoning I: Community-based/Mental Health Level I Fieldwork1
OTH 560Research Methods in Occupational Therapy3
OTH 565Evidence-Based Research in Occupational Therapy2
Additional MSOT courses5-16
 Open Electives (1 CREDIT)
Open Electives
UNV 101First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community1