Management (MGT)

MGT 620  Arts and Entertainment Management  (3 credits)  
Prepares future leaders for a range of managerial careers and opportunities in arts and entertainment. The course takes a managerial perspective (e.g. a producer, agent, art director) and focuses on how to build value, obtain and manage resources in creative industries, and how to position one's organization and offerings in the inherently uncertain and unpredictable marketplace of cultural experience. Practicing professionals in these industries will make guest lecture appearances throughout the semester.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 621  Programming and Producing Practicum  (3 credits)  
Focuses on core issues that are shared among all performing arts organizations, both for-profit and nonprofit, that present and produce dance, theatre, opera and music in the US and globally. Managers and leaders of performing arts organizations must present or produce artistically rewarding programs that align with their missions and attract, retain and grow audiences, while maintaining sustainable financial support. The course explores how effective managers and leaders of performing organizations create sound programming, hire artists, maintain appropriate staffing, run box offices/ticketing, create marketing and public relations campaigns, etc. NOTE: Requires Attendance at the Association of Performing Arts Professionals conference, TV/Media conference, film festival and attendance at ancillary conference performances. Restrictions/Requirements: Program Director approval required.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 622  Fundamentals of Fundraising, Revenue Development, and Budgeting in the Arts  (3 credits)  
Explores the financial aspects of producing individual projects and of sustaining a performing arts organization. Students learn the processes and practices that are required to identify a piece or property to take through the production process from securing the rights and options to establishing a viable production. Students also learn the best practices of development and fundraising, and the tools of the budgeting process. Multiple forms of revenue generation for the arts organization are explored.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 623  Project and Event Management in Arts and Entertainment  (3 credits)  
The basic structure of content creation, production, and exhibition in many arts and entertainment organizations is project based, often accomplished with teams of individuals brought together for each project. This type of work design creates unique challenges for attracting and managing resources, facilitating knowledge transfer and learning across projects, and production management, as well as career challenges for professionals who are free agents or independent contractors. This course will examine methods and strategies for facilitating the efficiency and effectiveness of project based productions and events.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 624  Agent Representation in Arts and Entertainment  (3 credits)  
Gives an overview of artist representation in the arts and entertainment industry. It will cover all aspects of representation including client selection, career management and strategy for artists, agent/managers' roles and managing careers. The course covers how the industry works both conceptually and politically. The course breaks down the industry into "revenue silos" in which a client can generate money including music, theater, TV, movies, and publishing.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 627  Organization Theory  (3 credits)  
Examines theories on how efficient output is attained from people in large organizational systems. Contrasts theories in terms of their treatment of the technological, economic, behavioral, political, and communication factors in the total systems.
Prerequisites: MBA 601 or MBA 670 or MBA 620 with a minimum grade of C MBA 602 with a minimum grade of C
MGT 629  Entertainment Business Capstone: Revenue, Technology, and Strategy  (3 credits)  
Using a strategic management perspective on establishing and maintaining resilient arts organizations. The focus is on understanding the development and application of management strategies and tactics for arts organizations competing for a share of the audience and patron discretionary spending in a complex, dynamic competitive landscape. The course materials consist of case studies of actual organizations in New York City and other metropolitan areas that are dealing with the challenges of new technologies, limited resources, and engaging with audiences and communities in new ways. Thus, this capstone seminar provides a unique opportunity for students to translate their academic learning to professional practice while making connections with potential employers and future colleagues. Students will engage in hands-on professional work and have the opportunity to focus their project work on their own interests. Program Director approval required.
Course Rotation: NYC: Spring:
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 630  Seminar in Strategic Management Issues  (0-3 credits)  
Explores contemporary topics in international business. Covers the management of global marketing, global strategic planning and managing a global enterprise. Topics will be selected by the instructor. Contact the department for specific topic selection. In addition to a discussion of the literature, expert speakers are invited to share their experiences. The work of the seminar consists of reading, in-class discussions and the preparation of a term report. Enrollment is limited to facilitate a high level of interaction among students and faculty.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 632  Venture Initiation and Entrepreneurship  (3 credits)  
Studies the organizational and managerial requirements for running a small business. Considers the skills and expertise needed at each organizational level and phase of development. Examines the success and failure of specific individuals and ideas. Provides a strategic framework for performing competitive analyses on new products and services, and for evaluating new businesses. Develops the project management skills to launch a new business.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 633  Social Entrepreneurship  (3 credits)  
Social Entrepreneurship is about creating and leading organizations that endeavor to advance social change. This course provides a practical toolkit to those desiring to effect social and environmental change through a focus on people, planet, and profits. We understand people to include employees, customers, and members of the community in which we operate; planet to include all aspects of the natural environment; and profits to include a financially viable venture with sufficient returns to sustain itself and its owners.
Course Rotation: NYC: Fall
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 637  Competitive Business Strategy  (3 credits)  
Develops a framework for assessing the strategic competitive position and future performance prospects of a business within and industry environment. Provides and applies related practical techniques to analyzing a variety of business situations and selecting appropriate strategic responses for firm confronting them. Builds on the theories of strategic management and industrial organization to prepare line managers and staff planners to make more effective strategic decisions. Restrictions/Requirements: Completion of all foundation core courses.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 638  Corporate Diversification Strategy  (3 credits)  
Develops an analytical framework for evaluating the corporate strategy of a diversified firm, for anticipating the problems in managing its diversity and for appraising its likely performance in the future. Examines the theoretical and practical issues of applying and using business portfolio techniques to define strategic units, to determine their corporate development role, to allocate resources among them and to influence their development. Emphasizes the importance of administration, culture, organization, and politics, implementing corporate strategy and managing diversity. Restrictions/Requirements: Completion of all Foundation Core courses.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 643  Strategic Human Resource Management  (3 credits)  
Equips students with a strategic perspective on how competitive pressures and market fluctuations are forcing organizations to adapt their human resource strategies and practices for sustainable competitive advantage. Students will explore the nature and impact of strategic organizational issues on human resource management policies and practices. Restrictions/Requirements: Strategic Management majors may take this as a Career Concentration Elective.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 646  Government Institutions and Business Strategy  (3 credits)  
Examines American and international public policy formation as it affects corporate strategy. Studies legislative, executive, regulatory and judicial processes in the United States with an emphasis on the role of corporations anticipating, influencing and responding to public policy issues. Explores similarities and differences between U.S. public policy formation and other countries, with particular focus on international institutions and their impact on multinational corporate strategy.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 648  Environmental Issues In Management  (3 credits)  
Analyzes public policy, regulatory compliance and strategic factors facing corporate managers in dealing with the physical environment. Focuses on exploring various ways a corporation can organize itself to optimize its resources in dealing with environmental issues. Topics to be covered include financial, marketing and international dimensions.
Prerequisites: MBA 601 and MBA 602 and MBA 603 with a minimum grade of C or MBA 670 and 674 with a minimum grade of C
MGT 650  Negotiations and Bargaining  (3 credits)  
This course introduces students to the effects of employment dynamics, union organization and representation, collective bargaining and negotiation, grievance and arbitration processes, labor laws and governmental agencies regulating labor practices, and EEO/AA/ADA issues on labor-management relations in the public and private sectors of the workplace.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 653  Global Staffing and Employee Development  (3 credits)  
This course provides a multi-disciplinary, integrative, and critical discussion based analysis of current and emerging issues in global staffing and employee development.
Course Rotation: Spring:NY
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 656  Human Resources Analytics  (3 credits)  
This course equips students with quantitative analytics to evaluate and improve the performance of the human resources function , human resources practices, and the talent that exists within the human resource function . Students will learn how to systematically collect, analyze, and interpret quantitative data to improve human resources decision making. The topics include fundamentals of HR Analytics, HR information systems and data, HR analytical techniques, scenario modeling, predictive analytics, HR scorecards. In addition, this course will provide knowledge of popular analytical tools to identify, evaluate and resolve HR issues.
Course Rotation: NYC; Spring: Odd Years
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 663  Comparative Management Systems  (3 credits)  
MGT 676  Region Specific SGHRM I (HRM in Africa, Asia, Asia Pacific, and Middle East)  (3 credits)  
This course provides an in-depth analysis of the key themes and emerging topics faced by global enterprises when dealing with HRM issues in Africa, Asia, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 677  Region Specific Strategic Global Human Resources Management (SGHRM) (II)  (3 credits)  
This course provides an in-depth analysis of the key themes and emerging topics faced by global enterprises when dealing with HRM in North America, Europe, and Latin America.
Course Rotation: Spring:NY
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 679  Talent Management  (3 credits)  
This course examines important topics related to managing talent (e.g., employees categorized as "high potentials", "A" players, and "Stars"). More specifically this course focuses on how organizations attract, develop, retain, mobilize talent, and how the talent management function can be used to facilitate a variety of organizational and talent management goals. This course examines a variety of topics including talent identification, talent pools, critical jobs, succession planning, executive compensation, leadership development, high-performance work system and many others.
Course Rotation: NYC; Spring.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 680  Human Resources Management  (3 credits)  
Focuses on the development and maintenance of effective personnel policy in the modern organization. Topics include methods and techniques of job analysis, manpower planning, recruiting and selection, training and development, compensation, performance appraisal, and legal guidelines and compliance requirements. Stresses application of personnel management to achieving overall organizational goals.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 682  Research Methods in Management  (3 credits)  
Develops competence in planning and conducting research into organizational problems and in interpreting and using research to help achieve managerial objectives. Covers research tools used by practitioners in the field of organizational development and human resources management. Topics include the conceptual foundations of scientific research; research design and methodology; data collection, analysis and reporting; application of research findings; and social and legal aspects of organizational research.
Prerequisites: MBA 620 and MBA 646 with a minimum grade of C or MBA 670 and MBA 628 with a minimum grade of C
MGT 683  Training and Development  (3 credits)  
Examines the concept, problems, issues and practices involved in training and developing the human resources of organizations. Emphasizes the development of managers. Through exercises, cases and other projects, students will assess training and development needs, identify training objectives, design and development training programs, plan the delivery of programs and evaluate the effectiveness of training programs.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 684  Appraisal, Compensation and Assessment  (3 credits)  
s: Examines the techniques for assessing the current performance and future potential of workers and managers in organizations. Explores methodologies to forecast the potential of new job candidates. Provides both theory and practice supporting modern approaches to the design and administration of compensation systems for workers, professionals, and managers.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 685  Recruitment and Staffing  (3 credits)  
Equips students with a strategic perspective in the recruitment and staffing functions of an organization. Students will examine critical recruitment and staffing issues as well as the means to address them. Areas to be covered in this course include: Strategic impact of staffing decisions, legal environment of staffing, job analysis and staffing, external and internal recruitment and staffing processes, selection decisions, retention and staff-flow management.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 687  Advanced Topics in Management  (3 credits)  
Examines selected topics in management. Contact the Department for specific topic selections.
Prerequisites: MBA 620 or MBA 670 with a minimum grade of C
MGT 687A  Tpc:Gender Div Issues In Orgz  (3 credits)  
MGT 688  Independent Study In Mgt  (3 credits)  
Assists the qualified student in concentrating upon an area of managerial activity of particular importance to him or her. The area proposed need not be drawn from fields presently offered in the curriculum, provided that it is reasonably related to work being undertaken for the master's degree. The student will accumulate knowledge in a systematic manner so as to analyze this material and submit an extensive written report to the faculty advisor. This course may only be completed once.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 689  Organizational Development  (3 credits)  
Examines planned approaches to organizational change. Topics include structural, technological, and behavioral approaches to changes, models of change, intervention methods, changing agent behavior and measurement of change.
Prerequisites: MBA 620 with a minimum grade of C
MGT 692Q  Research Project  (3 credits)  
Under the supervision of a faculty advisor, the student prepares a research document which includes the following: organizational problem, appropriate information and primary data, analysis and evaluation of the data, presentation of findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.
MGT 695  Management Internship  (1 credits)  
As opportunities become available with cooperating companies in the area, majors in the Department of Management and Management Science with strong academic records will be permitted to undertake credit-bearing internships of a carefully planned work experience that integrate the practical application of their classroom training. Students will maintain a weekly log which will be reviewed periodically with the supervising faculty member. Interns are supervised by a faculty member in the Management Department. Interested students majoring in Management or Management Science should contact their Graduate Advisor. Permission of the Department Chairperson or Graduate Program Chairperson is required.
Course Rotation: Fall, Spring
Prerequisites: This course does not have a prerequisite.