Biology & Nutrition and Diet, BA/MS

Campus: NYC, Westchester

In this program, students complete the BA in Biology as well as the MS in Nutrition and Dietetics (MSND) in 5 years. The goal is to provide students with knowledge and skills required for the workforce in nutrition and dietetics, while also providing them with a broad background in the life sciences via the undergraduate degree portion of the joint program. While most of the courses for the BA are offered on both the NYC and the PLV campuses, the MSND courses are only offered in PLV.

Major Completion Summary 
Requirement Credits
University Core Credits 44
Major and ND Requirements 42
Open Electives 18-28
Additional Graduate Courses for MS Degree 27
Total Credits 150
University Core Requirements (44 Credits)

See complete University Core requirements.

University Core44
Foundation Requirements
Composition (can test out of course)
Critical Writing
Writing in the Disciplines
Public Speaking
Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences
General Chemistry I
Introduction to Computer Science
Computers for Human Empowerment
Introduction to Computing
Second Language Proficiency (can test out of language requirement)
Western Heritage (WH AOK 2)
World Cultures and Traditions (WCT AOK 3)
Humanistic and Creative Expressions (AOK 4)
Analysis of Human, Social and Natural Phenomena (AOK 5)
One Additional AOK Course
Required In Depth Sequence
General Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Major Requirements (42 Credits)
Biology Requirements30
General Biology I
General Biology II
Cellular Biochemistry
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Supervised Practice I- Food Service Rotation
Introduction to Research in the Biological Sciences
Major Field Test in Biology
Major Requirements12
Principles of Human Anatomy
General Physiology
Required Science Courses0
General Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Open Electives (18-28 Credits)
First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community
Introduction to Nutrition
Molecular and Cellular Biology (New York City Campus Only)
Graduate Nutrition and Diet Courses (24 Credits)
Advanced Nutrition I: Macronutrients
Nutrition Across the Lifespan
Community and Public Health Nutrition
Advanced Nutrition II - Micronutrients
Nutrition Assessment
Medical Nutrition Therapy I
Nutrition Education and Counseling
Research in Nutrition and Dietetics
Plan of Study Grid
First Year
BIO 101 General Biology I 4
CHE 111 General Chemistry I 4
PSY 112 Introduction to Psychology 4
University Core Course 3
UNV 101 First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community 1
BIO 102 General Biology II 4
CHE 112 General Chemistry II 4
University Core Course 3
University Core Course 3
University Core Course 3
Second Year
BIO 231 Genetics 4
BIO 210 Ecology 4
MAT 141 Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences 4
CHE 223 Organic Chemistry I 5
BIO 335 Molecular and Cellular Biology 4
PSY 375 Lifespan Development Psychology 4
CHE 224 Organic Chemistry II 5
ENG 110
or Critical Writing
or Writing in the Disciplines
Third Year
BIO 327 Cellular Biochemistry 4
BIO 251 Principles of Human Anatomy 4
University Core Course 3
University Core Course 3
BIO 334 General Physiology 4
BIO 264 Microbiology 4
BIO 493 Major Field Test in Biology 0
CHP 105 Introduction to Nutrition 3
Open Elective 3
Open Elective 2
Fourth Year
ND 500 Advanced Nutrition I: Macronutrients 3
ND 540 Nutrition Across the Lifespan 3
ND 600 Community and Public Health Nutrition 3
ND 640 Research in Nutrition and Dietetics 3
ND 530 Advanced Nutrition II - Micronutrients 3
ND 610 Nutrition Education and Counseling 3
ND 560 Nutrition Assessment 3
ND 570 Medical Nutrition Therapy I 3
ND 550 Management of Food Service Systems 3
ND 630 Medical Nutrition Therapy II 3
ND 580 Supervised Practice I- Food Service Rotation 3
Fifth Year
ND 511 Functional Foods and Integrative Nutrition 3
ND 670 Nutrition & Dietetics Capstone Project 1.5
ND 620 Supervised Practice II-Clinical Rotation 3
ND 650 Supervised Practice III- Community Rotation 3
ND 660 Food and Nutrition of World Cultures 3
ND 671 Nutrition and Dietetics Capstone Project II 1.5
ND 520 Professional Issues in Nutrition and Dietetics 3
ND 680 Supervised Practice IV - Elective Rotation 3
 Total Credits150