Group of students sitting around a table

Leave of Absence - Medical

A student can request a Medical Leave of Absence (using this form) for a period (up to two consecutive full semesters - or longer at the institution's discretion) and will be able to follow the same degree requirements as the year they were first admitted.  Additionally, in most instances, students granted a Medical Leave of Absence must complete a Resumption of Studies to resume their program of study and they should work closely with their academic advisor and major department to be clear about the courses available to them upon their return to assure a smooth transition back to Pace.

In requesting this leave, students must submit a note from their healthcare provider using the following template indicating the student is under their care an that a Medical Leave of Absence is necessary for their recovery/treatment.  Please note, students are not required to submit detailed medical information in this letter from their medical provider for purposes of requesting a leave of absence for medical reasons.  The template for the letter can be found below.

Sample Doctor's Note for Medical Leave of Absence