Group of students sitting around a table

Leave of Absence

Students who wish to pause their academic studies with the intention of returning to Pace must submit a Leave of Absence.  A leave of absence requested during a term will result in the withdrawal from all coursework for the given term.  "W" grades will be assigned for each course, and the student's record will be updated to reflect the leave of absence.  The standard length of a leave is one academic semester or a maximum of one full academic year (Fall and Spring).

A student must meet the following requirements to qualify for a Leave of Absence:

  • Be a degree-seeking undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral student.
  • Be academically eligible to enroll (i.e., not academically suspended of dismissed).
  • Submit a Leave of Absence request.
  • Complete the Leave of Absence application in its entirety, including all required approvals and any required documentation.

Pace offers a Leave of Absence for the following reasons:

  • Academic
  • Financial Hardship
  • Internship/Work Commitments
  • Medical (includes physical, mental, emotional, psychological health)
  • Military
  • Other (includes students who must care for a member of their household or family)