An invitation to all pace undergraduate students.
In keeping with its motto Opportunitas, the mission of Pace University is to provide its students with the opportunity to discover and fulfill their potential. At Pace University, supportive and challenging programs prepare graduates for meaningful lives and successful careers in a rapidly changing world. The university’s commitments combine respect for traditional academic values with readiness to meet the challenges of the future with energy and innovation.
Pace University strives to foster intellectual growth, ethical maturity, civic responsibility, and professionalism in specific disciplines. National honor societies at Pace University play a vital role in advancing these goals. All national honor societies recognize academic excellence, promote scholarship, and enrich the undergraduate educational experience. Members benefit from fellowship among students, faculty, and active professionals. Honor societies are keys that open doors to graduate school, career opportunities, and professional development. Membership in an honor society bestows honor, recognition, and lifetime distinction. Honor societies keep their members informed of changing developments in their respective fields through meetings and publications. Finally, members may be eligible for scholarships offered by national honor societies that support undergraduate education, graduate education, and special activities. Students are encouraged to strive to meet the eligibility requirements of the appropriate honor societies listed below.
Alpha Chi is a general honor society that admits students from all academic disciplines. The purpose of this honor society is to promote academic excellence and exemplary character among college and university students and to honor those who achieve such distinction. Membership in Alpha Chi recognizes previous accomplishments and provides opportunity for continued growth and service. Some 300 chapters, located in almost every state and in Puerto Rico, induct more than 11,000 members annually. Alpha Chi is distinctive in that it involves members in all aspects of its operation: chapter officer leadership, student representation on the National Council, local chapter event planning, and presenting scholarly programs at regional and national conventions.
Alpha Delta Sigma is the national honor society sponsored by the American Advertising Federation.
Alpha Iota Delta is dedicated to the ideal of solving the problems of mankind with humanity and rationality. Humanity is recognized in the decision sciences by understanding that there is a human component to every decision. Rationality is recognized by understanding that there is a need in every decision for order, sensitivity, and relativity. Alpha Iota Delta was formed to foster the growth of these ideals within future generations of the decision sciences by conferring distinction upon a very select group of current students who have distinguished themselves in decision science curricula and who hold high promise in their careers.
The Alpha Lambda Delta chapter at Pace University began in the spring on 2012. Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD) is a national honor society for first year students. Students that earn a cumulative grade point ranking them in the top 20% of their class after the first semester are invited to join ALD. Alpha Lambda Delta offers students the opportunity to participate in community service and a variety of campus activities with other high achieving Pace University students. Lastly, ALD members are eligible to apply for exclusive for scholarships at the undergraduate and graduate level, and for studying abroad.
Alpha Phi Sigma is the nationally recognized honor society for students in the Criminal Justice Sciences. The society recognizes academic excellence by undergraduates as well as graduate students of criminal justice.
The Mu Alpha Chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda recognizes the special achievements of adult students who accomplish academic excellence while facing competing interests at home and at work. This honor society is dedicated to the advancement of scholarship and recognizes high scholastic achievement in an adult student’s career.
Beta Alpha Psi is the national honorary and professional fraternity for students of accounting, finance, and information systems. As the premier professional accounting and business information fraternity, Beta Alpha Psi recognizes academic excellence and complements members’ formal education by providing interaction between students, faculty, and professionals, and by encouraging ethical conduct, and public service. Beta Alpha Psi brings excellent students and business professionals together and fosters professional and social development by sponsoring activities that enhance the educational experience and broaden the perspective of each member. The Pace chapter has earned "Superior Chapter" status nationally each year since its inception.
Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is a society for students dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Since its founding in 1922, more than 175,000 persons have been accepted into lifetime membership, and more than 430 chapters have been established throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
Beta Gamma Sigma is the preeminent national honor society in business. Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest national scholastic recognition that a student in business can receive in an undergraduate or graduate program at a school accredited by the AACSB International — The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The first national honor society in business, Beta Gamma Sigma was the result of a merger of three separate societies established to honor academic achievement in business at the University of Wisconsin, University of Illinois, and the University of California.
The Gamma Kappa Alpha National Italian Honor Society is a society formed to acknowledge superior scholastic performance in the field of Italian language, literature, and culture, and is open to membership at institutions of higher learning in the United States and Canada. The Society encourages college students to acquire a great interest in, and a deeper understanding of, Italian culture, art and history. The organization recognizes outstanding undergraduate scholarship in the field of Italian by awarding annually the Gamma Kappa Alpha Award for Scholarship.
Golden Key International Honour Society recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement and excellence in all undergraduate fields of study, unites with faculty and administrators in developing and maintaining high standards of education, provides economic assistance to outstanding members by means of both undergraduate and graduate scholarships, and promotes altruistic conduct through voluntary service.
Kappa Delta Pi is dedicated to scholarship and excellence in education. The Society is a community of scholars pledged to recognize scholarship and excellence in education, promote the development and dissemination of worthy educational ideas and practices, enhance the continuous growth and leadership of its diverse membership, foster inquiry and reflection on significant educational issues, and maintain a high degree of professional fellowship. Those students interested in the International Honor Society in Education for the Pleasantville campus, please refer to Pi Lambda Theta.
Kappa Mu Epsilon is a specialized honor society in mathematics, founded in 1931 to promote interest in mathematics among undergraduate students. The chapters' members are selected from students of mathematics and other closely related fields who have maintained high standards of scholarship, have professional merit, and have attained academic distinction.
Lambda Pi Eta is an honor society that seeks to recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement, to stimulate interest in the field of communication, to provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication, and to establish and maintain close relationships and understanding between faculty and students.
Lambda Sigma Sophomore Honor Society: This national sophomore honor society, with chapters on both campuses, provides leadership and engagement opportunities for its members. Each year a maximum of 50 sophomores are inducted. These students have earned a minimum GPA of 3.5 and have demonstrated they are committed to the society’s focus on leadership, scholarship, fellowship and service.
Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world's largest academic honor societies. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are to recognize scholastic attainment and to honor of outstanding achievements in economics, as well as to establish closer ties between students and faculty in economics within colleges and universities, and among colleges and universities.
Phi Alpha Theta is a professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication, and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. This honor society seeks to bring students, teachers, and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges.
Phi Sigma Iota recognizes outstanding ability and high standards of students and faculty of foreign languages, literatures and cultures (including classics, linguistics, philology, comparative literature, ESL, bilingual education, and second language acquisition). It is the highest academic honor in the field of foreign languages. Phi Sigma Iota has initiated over 50,000 members since its foundation in 1917, and has created and supported numerous scholarship programs.
Pi Delta Phi recognizes outstanding scholarship in the French language and its literatures, increases the knowledge and appreciation of Americans for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world, and stimulates and encourages French and francophone cultural activities.
Pi Gamma Mu recognizes undergraduate and graduate students who have distinguished themselves as scholars of the social sciences. Academic disciplines concerned principally with human behavior. Pi Gamma Mu considers the following fields to be included among the social sciences: anthropology, criminal justice, economics, geography, history, international relations, political science, psychology, and sociology.
Pi Lambda Theta is an international honor society and professional association in education that honors excellence and fosters leadership skills and intellectual values. Membership is open to students and professionals who have met specific academic requirements or who have achieved certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Members can draw on a network of colleagues for professional support and friendship – before graduation, throughout a career, and after retirement. Those students interested in the International Honor Society in Education for the New York City campus, please refer to Kappa Delta Pi.
Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology.
Sigma Iota Epsilon is the premier honorary and professional fraternity organization in management. Sigma Iota Epsilon recognizes superior scholarship and offers members opportunities to engage in professional programs and other activities intended to bridge the gap between management theory and management practices.
Sigma Tau Delta's central purpose is to confer distinction upon students of the English language and literature in undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies. Sigma Tau Delta also recognizes the accomplishments of professional writers who have contributed to the fields of language and literature. One of the largest members of the Association of College Honor Societies, Sigma Tau Delta has more than 600 active chapters, more than 900 faculty sponsors, and inducts approximately 7,000 members annually.
Sigma Theta Tau International honors those who demonstrate a personal commitment to nursing excellence. Sigma Theta Tau is committed to fostering excellence, scholarship, and leadership in nursing to improve health care worldwide. The Society promotes the use of nursing research in health care delivery and makes its resources available to all people and institutions interested in the latest knowledge in nursing care. Members are committed to providing the latest research, information, and technology in nursing science, and are instrumental in the profession’s scientific journey toward improved patient care.
Sigma Xi is a scientific research society. One of the oldest and largest scientific organizations, Sigma Xi has promoted a variety of science-oriented programs since its founding in 1886. Its goals are to foster worldwide interactions involving science, technology, and society; to encourage appreciation and support of original work in science and technology; and to honor scientific achievements. Sigma Xi is a society of more than 80,000 scientists throughout the world. Throughout its history, there have been 195 Nobel laureates in Sigma Xi.
Upsilon Pi Epsilon is the first and only international honor society for the Computing Sciences. It was founded in 1967 to recognize scholarship and professionalism. Membership in Upsilon Pi Epsilon is limited to candidates who can effectively achieve the goals of recognizing outstanding talent in the computing sciences, promoting high scholarship in the computing sciences, establishing and maintaining high standards, representing the computing sciences in interdisciplinary communications, and encouraging individual contributions to society through the computing sciences.
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