Acting Major, BA

Campus: NYC

Major Completion Summary

Requirement Credits
University Core Requirements 44-55
Major Requirements 39
Open Electives 34-45
Total Credits 128

University Core Requirements (44-55)

See complete University Core requirements.

Includes several of the major-required Math, Biology and Physics courses listed below:

University Core
Complete University Core Requirements44-55
Total Credits44-55

Major Requirements (39 Credits)

Required Acting Courses
PAPE 110Acting I3
PAPE 111Acting II3
PAPE 210Acting III3
PAPE 211Acting IV3
PAPE 310Acting V2
PAPE 120Movement I3
PAPE 121Movement II3
PAPE 230Vocal Production 1 for BA Actor2
PAPE 231Vocal Production II for BA Actors2
PAPE 350Performance Making III2
PAPE 351Performance Making IV2
PAPE 270Script Analysis3
PAGE 270World Theater3
PAPE 280Histories of Performance I3
PAPE 430Writing for One3
PAPE 499 Senior Showcase for Actors2
Select one of the following: 10
Fall Production Crew
Spring Production Crew
Recommended Theater Courses
PAPE 150Performance Making I2
PAPE 151Performance Making II2
PAPE 220Movement III for the BA Actor1
PAPE 221Movement IV for the BA Actor1
PAPE 275Advanced Play Structure and Style for the BA Actor2
PAPE 314Topic: Form Informs: The Shape of Performance3
PAPE 330Vocal Production III for the BA Actor2
PAPE 410Performance Workshop2
PAPE 490Career Paths and Models3
Total Credits60

Transfer students are exempt from fulfilling the production practicum requirement, PAGE 100 Fall Production Crew or PAGE 101 Spring Production Crew.

Open Electives (34-45 Credits)

Open Electives
Select 34-45 credits 134-45
Total Credits34-45

Open Elective requirements include UNV 101 First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community (1 credit) and courses of the student's choice.

In addition to the courses listed below, students are required to complete two courses with the Anti-Racism Education attribute attached. These cour​ses may be taken during any semester of their education. See advisor for more information.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
PAPE 110 Acting I 3
PAPE 120 Movement I 3
PAPE 150 Performance Making I 2
PAGE 187 Foundations of the Artist 3
ENG 110 Composition 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computing 3
UNV 101 First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Community 1
PAGE 100 Fall Production Crew 0
PAPE 111 Acting II 3
PAPE 121 Movement II 3
PAPE 151 Performance Making II 2
PAGE 270 World Theater 3
ENG 120 Critical Writing 4
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
PAGE 101 Spring Production Crew (If student has not taken PAGE 100: Fall Production Crew) 0
Second Year
PAPE 210 Acting III 3
PAPE 220 Movement III for the BA Actor 1
PAPE 230 Vocal Production 1 for BA Actor 2
PAPE 270 Script Analysis 3
MAT 102 Mathematics for Life 3
First Second Language Course. See Advisor for guidelines 3
PAPE 211 Acting IV 3
PAPE 221 Movement IV for the BA Actor 1
PAPE 231 Vocal Production II for BA Actors 2
COM 200 Public Speaking 3
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course (Learning Community with second Area of Knowledge course) 3
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
Second Language Course, if applicable 3
Third Year
Semester Abroad at Institute of the Arts Barcelona (IAB)  
PAPE 310 Acting V 2
PAPE 350 Performance Making III 2
PAPE 280 Histories of Performance I 3
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
Open Elective Course 3
PAPE 314 Topic: Form Informs: The Shape of Performance 3
PAPE 351 Performance Making IV 2
ENG 201 Writing in the Disciplines 3
Lab science course 3
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
Open Elective Course 3
Fourth Year
PAPE 410 Performance Workshop 2
PAPE 430 Writing for One 3
PAPE 490 Career Paths and Models 3
Take any one remaining Area of Knowledge course 3
Take one Open elective course 3
Take one Open elective course 3
PAPE 499 2
PAPE 275 Advanced Play Structure and Style for the BA Actor 2
Open elective course 3
Open elective course 3
Open elective course 3
Open elective course 3
 Total Credits135