Dr. Jonathan Hill
Dean, Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems
Dr. Susan Feather-Gannon
Associate Dean
Dr. Christelle Scharff
Associate Dean
Matthew Poli
Assistant Dean, Operations, Logistics and Technology
Katie Todd
Assistant Dean, Strategy and Engagement
Dr. Lixin Tao
Computer Science Department Chair
Dr. D. Paul Benjamin
Director, PhD Program in Computer Science
Dr. Carmine Guida
Director, BS Program in Game Development
Dr. Frank Parisi
Director, MS Program in Data Science
Dr. Sotiris Skevoulis
Director, MS Program in Software Development and Engineering
Dr. Yegin Genc
Information Technology Department Chair
Dr. Li-Chiou Chen
Director, MS Program in Cybersecurity
Professor Jonathan Lee
Director, MS Program in Information Systems
Dr. Zhan Zhang
Director, MS Program in Human Centered Design
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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
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