Meningococcal Meningitis Disease

Students of any age who are registered to attend classes and are enrolled for six credits or more in one semester are required by New York State Public Health Law § 2167 to satisfy one of the following two options within thirty days of the first scheduled day of classes in the first semester in which they are enrolled:

  • Certificate of immunization for meningococcal meningitis disease; or
  • A response to receipt of meningococcal meningitis disease and vaccine information provided by Pace University and signed by the student or, if the student is under eighteen years of age, by the student's parent or guardian; and one of the following two options:
    • Self-reported or parent recall of meningococcal meningitis immunization within the past ten years; or
    • An acknowledgement of meningococcal meningitis disease risks and refusal of meningococcal meningitis immunization signed by the student or, if the student is under eighteen years of age, by the student's parent or guardian.

Beginning on the thirty-first day after classes begin, students who failed to provide one form of proof of immunity as described above for each disease will not be permitted to continue their attendance at the University**. Attendance means the physical presence of the student at the University. Thus, students who fail to provide one form of proof of immunity for each disease by the thirty-day deadline will not be permitted, for example, to be on campus, or attend classes or any other curricular or extracurricular events, or be present in University housing. The time period may be extended to forty-five days if a student is from out of state or from another country and can show a good faith effort to comply with the requirements above of New York State Public Health Law § 2167, or when a disease outbreak occurs. If an extension is granted by the University, students who have not complied with New York State Public Health Law § 21657  by the forty-fifth day will not be permitted to continue their attendance at the University beginning on the forty-sixth day after classes began.

Students who are restricted from in-person presence/attendance due to non-compliance are responsible for all charges incurred during the semester up to the date they lost campus access.

Students who do not provide one form of immunity for each disease as identified above within thirty days but are enrolled only in online courses, will be permitted to continue their online courses but will not be permitted for any reason to be on campus, or attend classes or any other curricular or extracurricular events, or be present in University housing.


Students are no longer administratively withdrawn.  They lose access to campus.  Student's who are not compliant will have their campus access restricted/revoked.